Author: Pack359

Meetings and Pack News

Howdy Pack family, I hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving break. We are in our final month of 2020 scouting! Please get with your den leaders over advancements you might have missed. Pack Dates: November/December Pack meeting:  Monday Dec 7 at 6:30 – Bear Carnival, t-shirts handed out and pinewood derby cars! Whitehouse Christmas parade: As a pack we are NOT participating in order to stay social distanced. Our Wolf Den will be representing our pack during the parade. Wolf den please get with Gigi if you have questions. Den Dates: AOLS: Meeting this Monday at 6:30. All other dens are not meeting this week. This is a good time to work on your Duty to God. Yours in Scouting. Kathy  

No Meeting This Week

Hey Webelos!! We will not have a meeting this week. I am out of town and will not return until Wednesday Night. A couple of quick items – December Campout Postponed – Our Den Campout that was originally scheduled for this upcoming weekend has been postponed. I have personally talked to several of you as to why. But for those I haven’t been able to speak to directly – Campsite availability and the COVID uptick has played into this decision. We’ll try again in February or March. No Meeting This week – As mentioned above, I am out of town so we will not be meeting this week. Christmas Parade – We will not be participating in the Whitehouse Christmas Parade as a PACK this weekend….

Monday meeting

AOL Family   I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.   We will be meeting Monday night at 6:30.  We have some families that have a hard time meeting on weekends. Please be in Class A.

Gobble Gobble – Pack News DATE CHANGE

Gobble Gobble, YAY! We made it to Thanksgiving week. During this thankful week our dens will not meet. Take this time to be your family, safely. All den meetings are canceled. Please get with your den leader for any activities you should be working on at home. DATE CHANGE: The November pack meeting will now be the November/December pack meeting and is on Monday, December 7. Please update your calendars. The bears will run their bear carnival, t-shirt pick-up and pinewood derby car pick-up!!! We are also hoping to get our energetic Den Leader Jason Beaton to lead a song or two. Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving,

Sunday Den Meeting

Howdy! Anyone else counting down to Thanksgiving break? This Sunday we are meeting at 3:00 to wrap up our Bear Carnival. Please bring the game your scout will run during the November pack meeting. We will test and have fun. Can’t make it? I completely understand. Please reply to this email with what game your child will run at the November pack meeting. Homework: Duty to God (check your books on what to do) Paws in Action – Make a list of emergency numbers and discuss who to call and where the list will be kept, develop an emergency plan to follow in case of an emergency and practice


AOL Family   I have found a signup for WEBLOS camp!  The council is holding this camp during winter camp.  (Dec 28- Dec 30)  This is where the scouts learn the patrol method and other skills.  Please sign up!  The kids will have a blast!  This is a camp where a hand full of parents go to supervise.  We do not need all parents to go.  This will get them prepared for summer camp.  If you have any questions please let me know. WEBLOS CAMP SIGNUP Ryan

Girls Troop

Please let me know if you are planning on attending the girls troop this evening at Pollard at 7.  I would like to give them a heads up that you will be attending. 903-952-7234 Thanks,  Ryan

Wolves will meet this Tuesday, November 17th, at the Delk’s home – 400 Gatewood in Whitehouse – Bring completed God & Me if you have it done!

WOW – Wolf Den 4 were campfire skit SUPERstars at family camp! Great work to all of you for practicing hard and performing our skits for parents as well as the campfire program. Why meet this week?  Normally, we don’t meet the week following a camping event, but we only have a very few meeting days between now and Christmas break!! There are NO meetings next week due to Thanksgiving break, and we have a Pack Meeting coming up on Monday, November 30th, so we won’t meet on December 1st since it’s a Pack Meeting week AND we have the Whitehouse Christmas Parade on Saturday, December 5th. That leaves December 8th for an official meeting and December 15th for our Christmas service project delivery to…