Author: Pack359

Monday Flag Pick up

Howdy Pack 359, We had a great, relaxing family campout this weekend!  There will not be any den meetings tomorrow but we will be picking up the flags from Veteran’s Day starting at 6:30.   Please go to the link to sign up.  Many hands make light work. Somer Bockover Cubmaster

Last Minute Family Camp Info

Hey there campers! If you have not turned in your Health Form or YPT, you MUST have this to enter camp! Couple of items to remember: BUDDY SYSTEM – Never let scouts (or Adults) wander off by themselves! Camp Pirtle is a very large reservation. We do not want any missing campers. Parents, please stay within eye-shot of your campers. Check-in & Checkout – Steve Swindell will be at a table set up right by the parking lot where parents need to sign in and sign out. Saturday morning we will try and station an adult at the table to help (until 10) Have a GREAT Time – As a reminder, I will not be at camp. My kids have 7 (eeeeek!) Soccer games on…

WOLF Den contact list + potential things to work on in camp this weekend!!

Hello wild wolves!!  I know not everyone is going to be able to camp this weekend, but this contact list should be helpful for all of us to remember who’s behind the Scout…and the mask! At Pirtle, I confirmed that the Pack will be providing Breakfast and Dinner on SATURDAY only.  DEN 4 Wolves are doing lunch together – Tamez, Hill, and Lupton families are bringing the grill and hot dogs/buns/ketchup,mustard,relish.  We need everyone else attending to bring a bag of Chips and a package of cookies.  Also could use dip, veggies, cookies, maybe cheese for the hot dogs. (6 scouts & Families will be there for lunch) Even if you are NOT camping, here are a few upcoming requirements and electives you and your…

Family Camp Lunch

Howdy, I’m looking forward to a weekend of camping. We will be working on two elective belt loops and having fun. Den lunch: Bring meat for your family to eat (we have a griddle to cook on) and a side to share. Looks like we have about 15 from our den (cubs and siblings) Electives: bring fishing gear. We will be working the fishing belt loop (adults will need a fishing license, if they fish). Schedule: We will meet after breakfast and go over the fishing requirements. Then head to the dock. Then in the afternoon we will do a little hike out of camp and work on roaring with laugher. If you have a joke book, please bring. Our den is helping cook and…

Family Camp Schedule and Packing List

Howdy Campers, Important camping information. Please review each document and reply to this email if your family is in need of borrowing a tent. Also, we are still missing some health forms and YPT. Please bring them to camp. Packing List Map of George W. Pirtle Scout Reservation near Carthage (attached). The address is 440 C R 1241, Carthage, TX 75633. Full Schedule  Overview of Saturday (Friday and Sunday are listed in the full schedule link) 7:00-8:00am Breakfast food prep and cooking – AOL/Tigers 8:00am Breakfast 8:30-9:30am Breakfast Clean-up – Webelos/Lions 9:30-10:30am Den Time 12:00-1:00pm Lunch with your family or Den 3:00-4:00pm Den Time 4:00-5:00pm Food prep and cooking – Bears 5:00pm Dinner 6:30pm Dinner Clean-up – Wolves 6:00pm Woodbadge Beading (optional) 7:00pm Campfire (All…

Final day to Register for Fall Family Camp

Don’t forget to register TODAY! Reserve your campsite at Family Camp Reservations – Our Fall Family camp is THIS weekend from  Friday, November 13th through Sunday, November 15th at our council’s beautiful George W. Pirtle Scout Reservation near Carthage. The address is 440 C R 1241, Carthage, TX 75633. If your family will not be able to stay either night, we’d love for you to come out for Saturday’s activities. The cost is only $20 per family for the entire weekend. The Pack will provide a Dinner and a Breakfast for everyone. Reserve your campsite at

Saturday Lunch!

Please use the link below to sign up for lunch on Saturday if you are joining us for family camp! Can’t wait to see you there!  

Camping and requirements

AOL Family This last Saturday we worked on a couple of things with with Building A Better World and Outdoor Adventurer.  We are going to be hosting the camp fire this weekend at our last Family Camp as Cub Scouts.  I am asking each scout to come up with 1 skit and 1 song.  We will go over them Saturday at camp to put the program together (we will not be performing all skits/songs but will choose what fits in the program together). As a family each scout is needing to Duty to God in Action.  I would like this to be completed by the end of December. I have attached the info for this requirement. The Building a Better World requirement requires the scouts to learn…

Den Meetings and Family Camp Reservations

Howdy, I’m going to name Monday “Paperwork Monday with den meetings”. Are you wondering if you have turned in all your paperwork? Come tonight at 6:30 to meet with Steve. We will have a few printed forms you a can sit and fill out. Den Meetings Monday Lions – Side by side Tigers – Pike Hall Webelos – Friendship Hall Den Meetings Tuesday Wolves – Friendship Hall Don’t forget to register for Fall Family Camp by this Wednesday! Family Camp Reservations – Our Fall Family camp is NEXT weekend from  Friday, November 13th through Sunday, November 15th at our council’s beautiful George W. Pirtle Scout Reservation near Carthage. The address is 440 C R 1241, Carthage, TX 75633. If your family will not be able to stay either night, we’d…