Remember TIGERS are leading the FLAG CEREMONY at Monday’s Pack Meeting!!
TIGERS are leading the Flag Ceremony – please try to be in the WUMC Sanctuary EARLY Monday – The meeting begins at 6:30 PM. To participate, Tigers must be in their in Class A uniform (not hats please). Pinewood Derby: THIS Friday, February 21st is Pinewood Derby check-in from 6–8 PM on in the Whitehouse High School Cafeteria . No early birds, please. ALL cars must be checked in by 8 PM to race. You will need to park in front of the main entrance of the high school (faculty parking lot) and come in the main entrance. Register your car here prior to check-in. Pinewood Derby race day is THIS Saturday, February 22nd from 9AM-done. The Arrow of Light den will be selling snacks at both check-in…