
Flag Pick-up

Howdy Pack 359, I had so much fun today watching all of the cars race!  Tomorrow we will need to pick up all of the flags from President’s Day.  We will meet at the church at 2:00 PM in Class A uniform to pick up flags.  Many hands make light work so please sign up here to help out.  Remember, blue points are earned for flag delivery and pick up.  See you there!

Pinewood Derby starts at 9am at the Whitehouse High School Today!!!

Even if you did not build a car this year, you are welcome to come out, take a look at all the cars and watch the races!  Lions will begin at 9am, followed by Tigers, Wolves, Bears….etc. The AOL (Arrows) are selling snacks to help fund their cross over ceremony into Boy Scouts so come with cash! AND just a note: Races start at 9:00 am. Please arrive in your Class A uniform ready to cheer on your fellow racers. Many of our scouts have their first soccer games tomorrow. Soccer uniforms are still uniforms. Come over before or after you game to cheer (we completely understand wearing your soccer uniform). 

Start Your Engines! Pinewood derby day!

Howdy Race Fans, Checkin tonight was successful. I can’t wait to watch all the races tomorrow. We start at 9:00 am. Please arrive in your Class A uniform ready to cheer on your fellow racers. Many of our scouts have their first soccer games tomorrow. Soccer uniforms are still uniforms. Come over before or after you game to cheer (we completely understand wearing your soccer uniform).  Happy Racing! Kathy

Pinewood derby cars

OMG tomorrow is check-in!! My car still doesn’t have tires. Anyone else in the same boat? No worries you can finish. If you can’t make check-in because of conflict tomorrow night let me know and we can do a meet up or you can drop your car at my house. My cell 903.235.4402 Yours in Scouting, Kathy

Pinewood Derby Reminder

Howdy Pack 359, Don’t forget tomorrow is Pinewood Derby check-in at Whitehouse High School from 6-8 PM.  Be sure to pre-register your car here, this will allow check-in to go much quicker.  No early birds, please. IF you cannot be at Check-in tomorrow, you MUST pre-register AND send the car with someone else who will be there. Be sure to give that person instructions as to what needs to happen if the car does not pass Tech inspection (too heavy, ground clearance, etc). RACE DAY: Saturday is race day.  Races will begin at Whitehouse High School cafeteria at 9 AM and continue until all races are complete. We will race in Den order, beginning with our Lions and ending with the Open Division. Please park…

Remember TIGERS are leading the FLAG CEREMONY at Monday’s Pack Meeting!!

TIGERS are leading the Flag Ceremony – please try to be in the WUMC Sanctuary EARLY Monday – The meeting begins at 6:30 PM.  To participate, Tigers must be in their in Class A uniform (not hats please). Pinewood Derby: THIS Friday, February 21st is Pinewood Derby check-in from 6–8 PM on in the Whitehouse High School Cafeteria .  No early birds, please. ALL cars must be checked in by 8 PM to race.  You will need to park in front of the main entrance of the high school (faculty parking lot) and come in the main entrance.  Register your car here prior to check-in. Pinewood Derby race day is THIS Saturday, February 22nd from 9AM-done.  The Arrow of Light den will be selling snacks at both check-in…

Pack Meeting and other info

Good Evening Pack 359, Tomorrow we have a pack meeting so meet in the sanctuary at 6:30 PM in Class A uniform (not hats please). Pinewood Derby: THIS Friday, February 21st is Pinewood Derby check-in from 6–8 PM on.  No early birds, please. ALL cars must be checked in by 8 PM to race.  You will need to park in front of the main entrance of the high school (faculty parking lot) and come in the main entrance.  Register your car here prior to check-in. Pinewood Derby race day is THIS Saturday, February 22nd from 9AM-done.  The Arrow of Light den will be selling snacks at both check-in and on race day (cards accepted). Spring Break Camp: March 7th -10th at Arkansas Bend Park in Travis County, Texas. …

Save the date Sunday March 1

Howdy, We have a few scouts needing to do an outdoor activity. We will meet at Faulkner park on Sunday, March 1 at 2:00. We will hike, fish and picnic. Even if you already finished this requirement you are welcome to come out and enjoy time with the den. I will send out more details closer to the date. Yours in scouting, Kathy

Den Meeting Assignments

Howdy Pack 359, Tonight’s den meeting room assignments are below. AOL: Off site see den leader Webelos: Pike Hall, Guest Speaker please attend with your scout if possible and wear Class A uniform. Bears: Seekers class Wolves: Fellowship hall Tigers: Start in Sanctuary end in discovery classroom Lions: Regular Lion Room

Tonights meeting

Thanks everyone who made it to Scout Sunday. Tonight is make-up night. If you are missing a requirement please show up with your book and we will work through as much as we can. Amelia, Andrew, Noah and Makenzie please show up to work on an original skit that you will preform at our pack meeting. Reminder those who started Paws and Skill keep working out this week! The goal is to improve each day. Report back your improvement in a week. Important dates and registration. If you are all caught up you can come and support those who are needing to finish a few things. Kathy