
Den Meetings

Howdy Pack 359, I hope everyone had a family filled, joyful holiday season.  The only group meeting tomorrow are the wolves in Pike hall.  Be sure you are working on your Duty to God requirements and getting ideas for pinewood derby cars.  See you next week as normal meeting schedules resume!

Monday Night

Happy New Year! Monday night our den will meet and work on the Germs Alive elective (pg 219). This will be a fun hands on time. Since we are in the middle of cold and flu season I thought this would be the perfect elective to start the new year off. Yours In Scouting, Kathy

Popcorn Rewards Are Available!!

Hello, Pack 359 Family! Popcorn Rewards are available! Our council office has finally released all of our Popcorn Gift Cards from Trails End! WOOHOO!!! These are ‘Digital’ Codes that you have to claim from your Scout’s Trails End account then ‘Redeem’ them on Here’s a pdf to show you exactly how to claim your codes – 2019 Popcorn Gift Card Don’t forget about Parents Night Out! – MUST REGISTER BEFORE 3 PM TODAY! Enjoy Dinner and a Movie **cough Star Wars cough** or finish your last-minute Christmas shopping without the kiddos! Bring all your friends too! This is open for all kiddos (Ages 5-13), not just Cub Scouts. Register at **PS – Recharter fees nearly Doubled across the nation. The National office notified…

BALOO Training opp

Howdy Bears! Next year, when you are Webelos, your den could do den campouts, but you need an adult trained in Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO). There is an opportunity with our council for this training February 8-9. Please see the attached form and let me know if you have questions. Our pack also needs parents trained so we can continue to have family campouts like we had in November. Yours in Scouting, Kathy Prince

Duty to God

Merry Christmas! We are counting down the days in this house. I want to remind you to work on Duty to God over Christmas break. Also, check out the electives in your book. Those are adventures you can do as a family. You can log them into scout book or let me know at a den meeting what you completed. We will do digging in the past as a den. Have a safe and happy holiday. See you in the New Year. Yours in Scouting, Kathy

Meeting tonight!

Howdy Wolf Den, Tonight is pack meeting and international scouting night. Please google and bring one fun fact about scouting in France. Ms. Katherine is making a board with the French flag and I will bring a French snack. Yours in scouting. Kathy

Pack Meeting Monday Night

Howdy Scout Family, Wow this year has flown by. Tomorrow night is a our final pack meeting of 2019! Tomorrow night will be fun as we learn about scouting around the world. We will meet at 6:30 in the sanctuary. Please be there on time in Class A uniform (NO HATS). Our bear den will lead in opening flag ceremony. Then after announcements and awards our cubs will travel the world learning about scouting. Get with your den leader to find out what country your den is representing. Paperwork! During the pack meeting Jason Phillips will be in the back collecting paperwork that is needed for recharter. MANY haven’t turned in your YPT (Youth Protection Training). Please bring a copy. If you are having issues…


Scout Family   Tomorrow is our pack meeting.  We will be having our international scout night after the meeting.  Do not forget that we are also doing a can food drive and everything is due tomorrow.  The den with the most cans wins and is able to pie me.  As of right now the AOL are in the lead.