
Fall Family Camp

Howdy Campers, We can't wait to see many of you this weekend at Fall Family Camp. Below are the details for camp. Location: Pirkey Environmental Park near Hallsville, TX TIME: ENTRY INTO THE PARK BEFORE 9:00 PM (you cannot get in after 9:00 PM) Weather: It will be cold. Pack accordingly and bring fire wood!!!  Pack Provided Meals: Breakfast Saturday and dinner Sunday (You are on your own/den for lunch Saturday and breakfast Sunday)  If you have a mess kit please bring it.  A scout is thrifty and clean.  This helps us reduce our trash and save money. Win! Win! Drinks: Pack will have hot chocolate and water  Bring your own cup! Shirts/Forms: Kathy will be at the pavilion from 9:30-10:00 Saturday for you to pickup…

Family Camp Lunch Survey

Please complete the survey for what will be served at lunch on Saturday by using the link below. Remember, this is only for those that will be attending camp and the kids will be preparing it. Survey will close at 4:00 PM today. The winning choice will be served.

Important Info!

Howdy, AOL Family! This Monday we will be working as patrols to set up tents, plan Family Camp, etc. Uniform will be Activity (Class B). Please sign up for Family Camp at camp. We need an accurate headcount as the Pack provides Saturday breakfast and dinner. Please make plans to attend family camp as we will be completing requirements for AOL advancement.

Fall Family Camp

Happy Halloween Pack 359! I hope you all had a fright-filled and treat-filled night! Fall family camp is finally upon us and we are so excited! We will camp from next Friday, November 8th through Sunday, November 10th at Pirkey Environmental Park. Please see the attached map and list of what to bring. Please use the link below to sign up by Wednesday, November 6th so that we can ensure enough food is purchased. See the attached documents for details, schedule, menu, etc. Directions to Pirkey  Pirkey camping map.pdf  Equipment Checklist  Fall Family Camp 2019

Meeting Recap….10/28/2019

Howdy, AOL Family!! Great meeting tonight. Your Scout needs to work on memorizing the Leave No Trace 7 principles and the Outdoor Code. They got these handouts tonight. If your Scout didn’t bring it home, it’s in the handbook or just GOOGLE it. Your Scout also needs to practice the bowline knot we learned tonight. They have to teach a younger Scout next week. A handy app is KNOTS 3D. There may be free ones out there. We will also be setting up tents next week at our meeting for the Outdoor Adventure. Please check your calendars to make sure you can make Fall Family Camp Nov 8 – 10 at Pirkey Environmental Park. The Scouts will be in charge of tent set-up, cooking lunch…