
First Meeting

Our first den meeting is tonight. Please have your son wear his lion shirt and bring his activity book. 6:30 pm at Bethel Bible Church (front office) Near 304 Tx-110, Whitehouse, Tx Next to Tri County Lender in the Goodwill shopping center.

Bear Meeting Changes

Hello, Bear Family!!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful summer! Sorry school has to start! This year I want to have more parental involvement with the Den. How, you say????? I want parents to step up and pick an adventure to lead at Den meetings. Just look on Scoutbook or the Bear Handbook. Remember, we are using the 2016-2017 requirements. We must complete all the required adventures and then several of the elective adventures. Pick something that appeals to you. Let me know which one you pick. If 2 different parents pick the same adventure, it can be a team effort. Think outside the box. We can always meet away from the church, guest speakers, etc!!!. After everyone has picked, I will assign the dates…