
Webelos 3 mile hike

Just a reminder for our hike on Saturday October 28th at Tyler State Park. The meeting place is 9:00 am at the outdoor amphitheater by the boat dock/launching area parking lot. It is on the back side of the lake. The weather is slated to be crisp and cool so dress accordingly. Layers is probably your best bet. All participants should bring enough water, snacks/lunch for you to enjoy and keep up your energy. All webelos need to make and bring their own first aid kit (pages 82 and 83 webelos book), and be able to talk about what they decided to pack. I will also be discussing with them the “Outdoor Code” and “Leave No Trace Principles”, pages 19 and 20 in the webelos…

Monday, October 23, Den Meetings

Hello, Fantastic Pack 359 Family!!! Thanks to all the participants of this past weekend's Rose Parade.  It was lots of fun, and Pack led the whole Parade!!! Friendly reminders: 1.  Shirts – if you ordered Pack t-shirts, you can pick them up at tomorrow's meeting.  Please come by Pike Hall to get your shirts. 2.  Pack Meeting – Monday, October 30 is our next Pack meeting.  Please enter any requirements done at home on  Also, get with your Den Leaders about completed requirements. 3.  Veterans' Day Programs – be on the lookout for Whitehouse Elementary School Veterans' Day Program, Nov. 8 – 10.  We ask that your Scout wear his uniform on the day his school has the program so he can participate in the flag ceremony….

Games Tigers Play

At tomorrows den meeting, we will be working on our Tiger rank. We will be talking with our den and family about why good nutrition helps you to be strong and active. Bring a nutritious snack to a den meeting. Share why you picked it and what makes it a good snack choice.

Meeting Monday 10-23- to have one handy

Hi everybody, Great showing of boys at the Rose Parade. Twelve of twenty webelos participated. We are going to meet at 6:30 at the church. Have all boys Bring their exercise list/chart to finish the Stronger/Faster/Higher pin. I will need all boys to have paper, pencils/pens. We are going to talk about what a simple first aid kit should contain and why it is important (First Responder requirement 6; page.82 in Scout book). I plan on talking about our up coming 3 mile hike on Saturday October 28th and requirements for the Cast Iron Chef. Be prepared for a full scout meeting. Parents please bring all missing scout forms. Thanks always, Den5 leader Bob Prince

Monday’s Den Meeting, Oct 23

Hello, Bear Den Family!! 1. Remember, this Monday we will be completing and putting the finishing touches on our Carnival games for the Oct 30 Pack Meeting. Please come prepared!! No dangerous games and have a cheap candy/prize available. 2. Enter any completed requirements into I have to have things signed off by next Wednesday. Also, if you haven’t finished BOBCAT, I need to see you at Monday’s meeting! 3. I need to start getting a headcount for Fall Family Camp. Nov. 10-12 at Pirkey Environmental Park near Hallsville, TX. No cost other than Friday dinner, Saturday Lunch, and Sunday breakfast (plus snacks and drinks). The Pack will cover Saturday breakfast and dinner. All are invited. Scouts, parents, siblings, etc. Just need completed health…

Tyler Rose Parade, Saturday, October 21!

I'm resending the Rose Parade information for your enjoyment. Please try to make it out if you can.  I have not heard of any cancellation due to weather. DJP ———- Forwarded message ———-From: Cub Scout Pack 359 <>Date: Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 8:21 AMSubject: Tyler Rose Parade, Saturday, October 21!To: Zap <> Dear Pack 359 Family, The Tyler Rose Parade is coming up this Saturday.  Here are the details on the parade. We will be #3 in the lineup behind the City of Tyler Fire Truck. The parade route is about 1.25 miles.  Gathering:  We will gather at the intersection of Glenwood and Houston Streets at 8:00am. A few minutes after 8:00am, we will move down to our staging area at Glenwood and Front Street. …

In response to BSA’s decision to allow girls into program

Hello, Pack 359 Family, I just wanted to take time to address last week’s decision by the BSA to allow girls into the program.  This would take effect Fall 2018 for Cub Scouts. Here is how it would work for our Pack (an already established Pack): 1.  As a Pack, we can choose to recruit girls or stay an all-boy Pack. 2.  This decision has to be made in agreement with our charter organization, the Whitehouse United Methodist Men. 3.  If the decision is made to recruit girls, the dens would be single-gender. I know a lot of people are upset by the BSA’s decision, but I do NOT see it affecting our program in Pack 359. If you have any questions or concerns, please…

Popcorn Show N Sells – Week 11

Howdy Pack 359 Family!! This weekend we have Sales at Lowe’s. Saturday’s Sales will start as soon as the Rose Parade is finished. There are more open slots on Sunday. Please remember, an Adult MUST STAY WITH THE SCOUT! Simply reply to this email with your desired time slot, and we will send you a confirmation once scheduled.  If you do not get a reply before Friday, send an email to Here are the available Shifts – Saturday:  11a-1p (Starts when we get there) 1p-3p 3p – 5p Sunday: 9a – 11a 11a – 1p 1p – 3p 3p – 5p Thanks for all you do!