

Monday,March 20 at 6:30 we will have a parent meeting at the church to finalize our campout!! We will need to know who is coming and car plates (to turn into the camp office).

AOL – Awards

Howdy, Chicken show in Houston is over! I have time to focus on ordering awards!! The pack will cover the plaques!!! Woohhoo. Everyone owes me $17.75 for the arrows. Each parent will purchase the BSA book and green epaulets to give to their scout who is crossing over to a troop (the plaques take up all the money the pack is giving us. Please read the name I am putting on the plaque and text me YES I have spelling correct. Plaques look like this Date: April 1, 2023 Gavin Turner Jack Prince Aurora Kennedy Makenzie McCrary Madison Smith Ben Warren Santi de la Cruz Mark Swindell   ORDERING THIS TUESDAY Thanks, Kathy

Meeting Tonight

Hello Wolf Families, I hope everyone is doing well and had a nice weekend. Tonight we will start a new elective called Finding your Way. Please bring a compass if you have one (if you don’t it’s okay). Important notes: Save the date for Sunday 3/26 at 3:00 we will do a mile hike (location to be announced). On this hike we will finish up Paws on the Path and work on Finding your Way. Our next meeting after this one is on April 3rd (not counting the hike on 3/26). Thank you Thank you for all you do! Lacey  

Den 4 – No meeting for the next 2 weeks!!!

Hello Webelos families!! Den 4 has worked very hard and I believe almost everyone has finished their Webelos rank – there is a random hike or Duty to God to complete, but other than that we are great!!  My honor society at TJC has Spring Induction and banquet for about 300 this Tuesday so we will not meet this week, and of course next week is Spring Break and the Pack Campout.  I will be at a regional convention for work and won’t be able to make the trip this year, so scouts, hike and discover cool things and tell me all about it when we get back after Spring Break. If your Scout is missing any of their requirements for Webelos rank I think…

Tigers in the wild!

Hey Tigers ! Tonight we will begin our Tigers in the Wild rank requirement. Mr. Cody will be there to start the meeting at 6:30 as Zoey has softball process until 6:30. We will be learning about the outdoor code and our six essentials to prepare for a short hike with the den or the family. You may bring your healthy snack at any point in time up until our second meeting in April. This will complete your Games Tigers Play requirement that we started last week. Spring break campers! We have a meeting on Wednesday at 6:30 to review some of the questions about spring break and we’ll have a physician on site to sign any health form part C’s that still need to…

Scout Sunday!

Scout Sunday is a great way to show our support and gratitude to Whitehouse Methodist Church. If your family plans to attend, please be at the church by 9:25 in the morning. Wear your class A uniform. NO HATS The Troop will serve Donuts and Kolaches after the service. Jason

Scout Sunday is THIS SUNDAY!!!

WOW – Late UPDATE!! Sunday, March 5th: Scout Sunday⚜️ We will be celebrating Scout Sunday this Sunday at Whitehouse UMC. The purpose of Scout Sunday is to celebrate the anniversary of Scouting and to recognize our charter organization, Whitehouse UMC. It is a great opportunity to show the congregation the impact and importance of scouting, honor our Scouts and adult volunteers whose activities serve the community, and invite those in the congregation who would like to get involved to join as either Scouts or volunteers. We invite all Scouts and their families to join us at the 9:30 service this Sunday at UMC. We ask Scouts to please be at the church by 9:20, wearing their full Class A uniform. The Troop will be serving kolaches,…

District PWD, Scout Sunday, Committee Meeting, Spring Break Camp Meeting

Upcoming Events: There is still time to register for Spring Break Camp! Registration closes on Sunday. There are a few spots left – reserve yours today! Keep an eye out for the following registrations: Blue & Gold, Spring Family Camp, and our Summer Overnighter – The USS LEXINGTON!!! ⚓ Have a great weekend! Yours in Scouting, Nicole Whittaker Pack 359 Committee Chair

Den 4 – meeting at 6:30 p.m. at WUMC

Hi Den 4!  Say hello to March!! If you have not done so, please pick up the flag route you placed as soon as possible!  If you set out a route and are unable to pick up, please let me know asap so we can get your route covered by another family. Did anyone have any issues with their flag route?  Please share them with me at the Den meeting tonight!   I am still missing one or two Scouts’ paperwork for “God and Me” – Parents, you can just send me a note that your Scout has completed their God & Me discussions. I also need an update on those finishing their 3 mile hikes!! ****Tonight – Final First Aid training, Review of Electives,…

Forensics Fun

Bears, Oue guest speaker had to reschedule so tonight we will be doing a couple of experiments. Please wear class B (t-shirt). See you tonight for some Forensics Fun!   Also, if you haven’t signed up yet and are wanting to go on the Spring Break campout you have until Sunday there are still spits available.