
Camp Tyler 4/28

Spring Family Campout Camp Tyler – 15143 Camp Tyler Rd, Whitehouse, TX 75791 Gate Code – 8486 You can arrive anytime on Friday after 5:30pm and need to be packed up to leave by 1pm Sunday. Follow signs to Lodge/fire ring. We are camping around the fire ring area and in between lodge and lake, your choice(fire ring area is more ideal). Cars are not allowed off pavement. Parking is close to camping area.  There are restrooms available. Saturday breakfast and dinner will be provided by the pack. Breakfast will be about 8:30am and Dinner about 6pm at the pack trailer. PLEASE remember to clean up after yourself and leave no trace. No swimming or pets are allowed.

NO BEAR Meeting tonight – Blue & Gold Photos are up on my Facebook page!!

Hello to all my BEAR families!! I could not be prouder of ALL of DEN 4 – Scouts, Parents, Siblings – we are a GREAT Team!! Since we had Blue & Gold this weekend we will not be meeting tonight – I am going to try and watch my oldest grandson’s soccer 7th grade soccer game and the rest of the grand’s baseball and softball games!!  We still have to do our ROCKET project, but I’m hoping for a night where half don’t have to miss due to school or sports events, so have a great week and STAY TUNED!!! I am planning to come out for campfire at family camp this weekend, and don’t forget to sign up for our summertime activities!!! Spring Family…

The Weekly Scout 4/24

I know the microphone was cutting in and out last night so I wanted to make sure everyone knows there will not be anymore weekly den meetings until September. The summer events are below. Spring Family Camp is April 29th – May 1st at Camp Tyler. Registration closed for camping but everyone is still welcome to come out during the day and hang out. Bicycle Rally June 11th at UMC Whitehouse July Family Overnighter at Ft. Worth Zoo July 23rd and 24th. Registration is now open on pack website.

Bring Lawn Chairs to Blue & Gold

Reminders from Cubmaster Cody: Blue and Gold 4/23   04/22/2022 18:46   Good Evening! Tomorrow night is the Blue and Gold Ceremony! YAY! Blue and Gold is at the Whitehouse United Methodist Church! We will start the “pre ceremony” at 5:30pm and the Blue and Gold Ceremony will begin at 6:00pm. We will start letting people get food at 5pm so you have time to eat and throw away your trash before things get into full gear. Please wear Class A uniform. You will need to bring lawn chairs for sitting. Don’t forget the theme is family game night so if you have yard games you can bring to keep the scouts occupied before and after the ceremony please do!   Yours in Scouting, Cody

Blue and Gold 4/23

Good Evening! Tomorrow night is the Blue and Gold Ceremony! YAY! We will start the “pre ceremony” at 5:30pm and the Blue and Gold Ceremony will begin at 6:00pm. We will start letting people get food at 5pm so you have time to eat and throw away your trash before things get into full gear. Please wear Class A uniform. You will need to bring lawn chairs for sitting. Don’t forget the theme is family game night so if you have yard games you can bring to keep the scouts occupied before and after the ceremony please do!   Yours in Scouting, Cody

Den Meeting Tuesday – Skit Practice, Science, and preparation for Blue & Gold

See you Tuesday – 6:30 at WUMC! Blue and Gold Blue and Gold is April 23rd at 5:30pm. Please wear Class A uniform.  Food will start being served about 5pm. You will need to bring lawn chairs for sitting. The theme is family game night so if you have yard games you can bring to keep the scouts occupied before and after the ceremony please bring! Spring Family Camp Spring Family Campout is April 29th – May 1st at Camp Tyler. BLUE & GOLD Agenda – in case you have a million family things going on, so you know what’s happening when… Ceremony Agenda [5:00pm] Start passing out food. [5:30 pm] Opening Prayer – Committee Members Recognition – Nicole Gift Presentation to Kathy and Somer – Cody and Nicole Tiger…

The Weekly Scout 4/17

Hello Scouting Families! Blue and Gold Blue and Gold is April 23rd at 5:30pm. Please wear Class A uniform.  Food will start being served about 5pm. You will need to bring lawn chairs for sitting. The theme is family game night so if you have yard games you can bring to keep the scouts occupied before and after the ceremony please bring! Spring Family Camp Spring Family Campout is April 29th – May 1st at Camp Tyler. Monday Den Meetings Lions – Discovery Room Tigers – Pike Hall Wolves – Friendship Hall. Bears – Meeting Tuesday. Normal location and time. Webeloes – Youth Room


The awaited link to register for Webelos Camp! Please register today so we can get the early bird discount. All information is in the link

Bear Den Meeting Tuesday April 12, 6:30pm at WUMC

Hi Bear Scout Families! Bear Den Meeting Tuesday April 12, 6:30pm at WUMC I’m hoping the weather cooperates – if we have rain, many of our ball-playing scouts might be able to attend! If you have any fishing poles, please bring a few to our meeting for “casting practice” as we work on our “A Bear Goes Fishing” elective. We might also have a guest speaker and the chance to earn an additional award before the end of the year. Please go register your family for Blue and Gold!! Blue and Gold is April 23rd at 5:30pm. There is a link on the pack website to select food for Blue and Gold. The pack is covering the cost of food. This link is open now…

The Weekly Scout 4/10

Hello Scouting Families! A few quick things… Blue and Gold Blue and Gold is April 23rd at 5:30pm. There is a link on the pack website to select food for Blue and Gold. The pack is covering the cost of food.  This link is open now through April 17th. Please try and have this completed as soon as possible so we can place the food order. Spring Family Camp Spring Family Campout registration is open on pack website through April 17th. Campout is April 29th – May 1st at Camp Tyler. You can camp both Friday and Saturday night, just one night or come out for the day if you like. The pack will be providing Saturday Breakfast and Dinner (Thank you Mr. Ryan!). June Bike Rally…