
Den meeting cancelled

In light of last night’s storm and the severity of damage, Bears will not be meeting tonight. Meetings will resume next week. Please review the invisible bench skit sent in the last den communication. We hope everyone is alright after the storms. There are still lots of downed trees and power lines, so please stay safe!   Nicole Whittaker Pack 359 Committee Chair

Den Meeting Cancelled

In light of last night’s storm and the severity of damage throughout the area, Bears will not be meeting tonight. We will resume meetings next week. In the meantime, look over the skit for Blue and Gold sent in the last Den communication. Stay safe!   Nicole Whittaker Pack 359 Committee Chair

The Weekly Scout 4/3

Happy Sunday Scouting Families!   Family Camp Spring Family Campout registration is open on pack website through April 17th. Campout is April 29th – May 1st at Camp Tyler. Blue and Gold Blue and Gold is April 23rd. There is a link on the pack website to select food for Blue and Gold. This link is open now through April 17th. This year’s theme for Blue and Gold is Family Game Night. July Overnighter Details about July overnighter will be voted on this week at Committee Meeting and details will be published on next week’s Pack Communication. Committee Meeting Pack Committee will be meeting this Wednesday at 6:30pm in Pike Hall. You do not have to be on the committee to attend and we need…

Monday Meeting

Howdy Parents, I’ve turned in all advancements!! Woohoo. If you are wondering, scout book is having issues. I’m not seeing some of our den but talking with Cub Master Cody they are working to fix it. I can’t even see my own son. Monday night we will practice our skit for Blue and Gold and work on game design pin. I do not have a good app to teach how to build one online. I am thinking old school gaming but if a parent has something that is age appropriate and wants to step-up to lead this please let me know. We will plan out the game this week and next week make it. Events you must register for to attend: Webelos overnight camp: June…

Great meeting last night – sharing the skit script with everyone

Good Morning Bear Scout Families! At yesterday’s meeting, our Den practiced presenting the Flags with Cooper “calling the Colors” in preparation for a family member’s Eagle Court of Honor where Den 4 has been asked to present the American Flag.  The date is Saturday, APRIL 9th, at the Tyler Rose Garden Center, 420 Rose Park Drive- in the “Rose Room.” Scouts will need to arrive by 12:45.   You can call the Luptons for more information – Jill – 903-283-643  or   Patrick – 903-952-1117   About 3 or 4 Scouts will be needed; please check your calendars! Reminder – get your Duty to God, Critter Care, Bear Picnic Basket, and any Advancements or Electives your Scout is working on turned in to me as SOON as possible…

Bear Den Meeting Information for Tonight, Tuesday 3/29

Hello Bear Scout Families!! Tonight we will refresh all the Scouts on how to “Call the Colors” and perform an Official Scout Flag Ceremony.  A few of our newer Scouts need to participate in this for their Bear Rank AND those of you who can are invited to participate with Cooper this weekend presenting the flags in a Eagle Scout Ceremony in Tyler. More details will come from Patrick Lupton tonight at the meeting.  We will start out in our usual back fellowship hall area and hopefully, if available, will actually do a flag ceremony run-through in the church sanctuary – Remember, a Scout is Reverent!!! ALSO Den 4 will be performing a skit at Blue and Gold. We have a reputation for great skits, and…

Meeting Tonight

Hello Tiger Families! I will show the Cyber Chip videos tonight at the meeting.  I’ll also introduce the skit for our Blue and Gold “performance.” We have two more meetings after tonight, so if you’re not able to make it or have already watched the Cyber Chip videos, no worries. We’ll have plenty of time to learn and practice the skit before Blue and Gold on April 23rd. Thanks! Lacey

TONIGHT! Please come

I know many are in spring sports but I need at least a parent to attend tonights meeting. The kids will need your phone to do cyber chip. While the kids watch videos and learn the parents are going to sit and confirm all pens earned and make sure all Webelos are on track to make rank. We will also sign up for spring camp, summer camp and pick a weekend for our Webelos only campout! Come with your calendars. Kathy