
CASTAWAY! New Adventure tonight.

Tonight we’ll be starting our ‘Elective Adventure’ for the Arrow of Light Rank – Castaway! Here is the complete set of requirements which we will complete over the next two weeks- Complete Requirements 1 and 2. Complete a. and your choice of b. or c. On a campout or outdoor activity with your den or family, cook two different recipes that do not require pots and pans. With the help of an adult, demonstrate one way to light a fire without using matches. Using tree limbs or branches that have already fallen or been cut, build a shelter that will protect you overnight. Do all of the following. Learn what items should be in an outdoor survival kit that you can carry in a small…

Meeting tonight! Outside

Howdy Parents, Tonight we will meet at the picnic tables outside and work on Caste Iron Chef. Steve and I will each bring our outdoor stoves and cast iron skillets to teach the scouts how to setup a camp stove and review cooking safety. Then each scout will get a turn to make campfire donuts. If you can stay and help your scout that would be awesome. The scouts need to dress for the weather and wear something that it’s okay if cooking oil gets on it. If you haven’t picked up your pinewood derby car please go inside for them. Julia and Logan have t-shirts ready for pickup (inside). Kathy

Weekly Den Meetings

Happy Sunday! Tomorrow night dens will be meeting as follows. Lions: Whitehouse Police Station Tigers: Pike Hall Wolves: Fellowship hall Bears: Tuesday at 6:30, normal location Webelos: Outside at tables AOL: Fellowship hall   Cody Baker

Finally, a Bear Den Meeting!!!

Hello Bears!! We will meet ar our usual time and place, 6:30pm at WUMC. We will be continuing our woodworking achievement by building SQUIRREL Feeders – dont leave your squirrels out in the cold with no food!! If you have hammers, phillips head screwdrivers and power drills with a phillips head bit bring them! If you have not shown me your whittling project bring that so I can check it off. Are you finished with your DUTY TO GOD achivement? Try to finish by Jan. 31st! Can’t wait to see everyone!!!!!

Reminder!! Pinewood Derby Build Day is TOMORROW – Saturday, January 22nd

Pinewood Derby Build Day is this Saturday 1/22 at WUMC. We will have the Official Pinewood Derby car kits available at Build Day for you to pick up if you didn’t get one at the last Pack Meeting OR want to purchase another kit for a spare or for a sibling to build.  (You don’t need to register just to pick up a car, but if your Scout wants to work on the car you pick up, you might want to register just in case) You MUST register for a time slot online to participate ( If this is your first Pinewood Derby experience, I highly recommend you sign up and attend – and even if you are an experienced Pinewood Derby helper, you can…

Parents Night Out and Build Day

Reminder to sign up for Parents Night Out!!  It is this Friday 1/21 from 6pm-9pm at East Texas Martial Arts. The cost is $15 per child. Ages 5-12. You can register online at This event is open to all, so tell your neighbors and post it on Facebook because all proceeds from this event go directly to our pack!  Also do not forget we are offering Pinewood Derby Build Day Saturday 1/22. You MUST register for a time slot online to participate ( If this is your first Pinewood Derby experience, I highly recommend you sign up and attend.   Cody Baker CubMaster