
Weekend and Monday

Rain! What is this weather we are having?! The Saturday event has been cancelled due to weather. I know a few will have started their Christmas travels next week but if you are still around Monday at 6:30 we will meet at my house to learn how to build a fire. Then we will make s’mores. 1528 Cimmarron Trail, Tyler, TX 75703 If you can’t make Monday have a very Merry Christmas! Kathy

Meeting Tonight

Hello Tiger Families,   This is our last meeting of 2021 (!). It’s hard to believe that 2022 is just around the corner. At the meeting tonight, Herchel Smith (Gage Smith’s Dad) is going to lead us in an activity on fire safety. I’ll also talk about how you can earn the Duty to God belt loop, and play a little game if we have time.   See you tonight, uniform is Class B (t-shirts).   Lacey  

Den Meeting & Day Activity with the Troop

Howdy! Tonight we will meet to start Webelos Walkabout and discuss our Saturday event. Saturday, Dec 18 starting at 9:00 we will attend Troop 359 event. We will get to see how a Troop campout runs and the patrol method. This the start of our group transitioning to Boy Scouts. DWe need to know tonight how many from our den will attend. Locations 9895 Barbee Rd. See everyone tonight. Kathy

Christmas Boxes for First Responders

Hello Bear Family! Our traditional Christmas service event is to fill a big basket with treats, supplies, etc. and deliver the baskets to our first responders at the Whitehouse Fire station and Police Station.  I have two laundry baskets ready to stuff with bright holiday tissue and ALLLL the treats.  As you are shopping for your family over the weekend, keep in mind we are filling 2 baskets and think about snacks or other items that our first responders might be glad to have especially when they are working late and all stores are closed!! Items to consider – Lip Balm (Chapstick, Burt’s Bees), black ink pens ( officers I know at TJC say they are always running out of these), small spiral-bound note pads,…

Tonight’s Meeting and Homework!

Hey Arrows! Tonight we are going to get started on the Scouting Adventure Pin. This will roll into next week’s Campout with Troop 359. Scouts and Parents are encouraged to attend. Girls are welcome for the day, and the boys will camp overnight with the Troop. Arrows (and parents) will eat Lunch with the Troop/Patrol and are welcome to stay for dinner and campfire as well. Just need a headcount to ensure we have enough food and to split them into the Patrols evenly enough. Saturday activities include Knots and Lashings to build catapults. HOMEWORK Don’t forget, 2 requirements must be done at home. Duty to God in Action and the Cyber Chip must both be completed at home. See everyone tonight 🙂

Meeting tonight

Hello Tiger Families! What a fun Saturday at the Whitehouse Christmas parade. The kids (and parents) all did a great job spreading Christmas cheer! Tonight we are making bird feeders! The “birdhouses” donated by home depot turned out to be tractors! We are saving those for another time, because they do look very fun to build! You won’t need to bring anything special, just the willingness to help make these fun pine cone bird feeders. Tonight is Class B (t-shirts). Thank you! Lacey

Den Meeting Tonight — AT HOME

Howdy Webelos, We have a bug running in this house that we will keep at home. That said there are adventures to be worked on at home. Duty to God and You: Follow the worksheet, Stronger, Higher, Faster: Many of you haven’t completed one part. Please work on requirement 3. Make an exercise plan that includes at least three physical activities. Carry out your plan for 30 days, and write down your progress each week. There is an opportunity coming up to learn about Scout BSA in action. We will attend a day event with Troop 359. Once I have more information I will send it out. Regards, Kathy

Parade Day!!

Just a reminder on today’s Whitehouse Christmas Parade – Saturday, December 4th is the Whitehouse Christmas Parade. Line up is at 4:30, enter at Stanton-Smith.  Lions and Tigers will ride on the trailer and are required to have an adult with them. The Theme is CANDY LAND – Bear scouts need to be in uniform OR dressed as “candy” – Wrapped boxes like candy bars, etc.  You may bring candy to HAND OUT (NO THROWING) *** NEW PARADE ROUTE *** Lineup is 4:30 pm, enter through Stanton-Smith Elem. from Shahan Ranch Blvd. (Off of 346, past the stadium) **ONLY students can be dropped off behind visitor bleachers of the stadium; enter on Wildcat Dr. off of FM 346. Parade starts at 5:45 on VISITOR SIDE OF WHITEHOUSE…