
No Meetings Tonight and Flag Pick-up

Hello Tiger Families, There will be no meetings tonight because we’re still worn-out from Family Camp. I hope you all had a great week-end! Our next meeting will be Monday, November 29th. We’ll be making birdhouses that week! I’ll send out a reminder and a list of materials that families can bring it you’re able (we’ll have extras materials just in case). Flag pick-up this week! Tonight is great night to pick up flags. If you would like to pick up flags and haven’t done so yet, please let me know and I can assign you a route and walk you through the process. Thank-you so much in advance! My phone number is 936-645-0707 or email at Cheers! Lacey

Monday Meetings/Flag Pick-up

Howdy Pack 359, We had a great time at Fall Family Camp this weekend, thanks for all that came!  We will not have meetings tomorrow and next Monday will be up to the den leaders.  We will need to pick up flags this week so please get with your Den leaders on what route you have.  We need them picked up by Sunday please.  

Den 4 Contact Information

As Den 4 joins many Pack 359 families for 2021 Family Camp I wanted to share contact information for Scout Moms & Dads headed to camp!! Kaydence, Viana, Joel, Noah, Madoc, Eric, Cooper will be camping – Evie’s family is coming out for the day, and I will be joining the Pack for dinner and of course Camp Fire!! Ayden Beaton                   Jason & Yvonne Beaton                    Jason’s # 903-530-9378 Evie Blackmon                   Wendy & Jordan Blackmon             Wendy’s # 903-539-1174 Joel Bunch                          Aaron & Sarah Bunch                       Aaron’s # 903-504-9604 Ben…

Family Camp Lunch

Hello Tiger Families! Jones Family: Hot Dogs Whittaker Family: Buns Sivula Family: Drinks Green Family: Cookies or dessert Smith Family: Chips Russell Family: Condiments (cheese, mustard, relish, catchup) Do we want to bring chili for chili dogs, or is that too crazy?? 😉 Please bring a mess kit (i.e. a plate and fork) and a refillable water bottle. I like to have a bandana to use as a napkin as well. Please let me know if I missed anything or anyone who would like to contribute. You can reach me at 936-645-0707 or Thanks! Lacey


Howdy Webelos! Family Camp is THIS weekend! At each campsite there will be a coffee station for adults (bring a cup)!! Map to Pirtle : Pack Weekend Schedule : We are at campsite 6 (except the dear Bunches who will be setup at 5 but coming over to hang with the cool Webelos as much as possible) FOOD  Friday dinner – on your own (if coming out Friday) Saturday breakfast – Pack provided pancakes, sausage and bacon (bring mess kit) You need to be at camp by 8:00 if you want breakfast Saturday lunch – Den family picnic* PLUS item listed below Saturday dinner – Pack provided spaghetti and salad (bring mess kit) Sunday breakfast – on your own (pack up and leave)…

GREAT work on those FLAGS and I’ll see YOU on Tuesday at 6:30 at the WUMC!!!

WOW – GREAT job BEAR SCOUTS and families on our FLAG ROUTE – ALL FLAGS are up in time to honor our Veterans! I will see everyone at the church on Tuesday at our regular 6:30 time.  Scouts – If you have not shown me your soap carving, bring it if you have it done.  I will have wood for the wood carving item – those are not “due” for a while yet – might be a good project for Thanksgiving week. We will keep working on our BEAR Rank Achievements for now – along with SKITS AND SNAKES!  SCOUTS – see if you can find anything cool/interesting about local SNAKES – Copperhead, Coral Snake, Rattlesnake, King Snake, Rat Snake, Water Moccasin – snakes you…

Den Meetings and Family Camp

Howdy Pack 359! Tomorrow night will be den meetings, see below for rooms assignments. Lions: Discovery room Tigers: Pike Hall Wolves: Fellowship hall Bears: Tuesday at 6:30 Webelos: Youth Room AOL: Fellowship hall (share with wolves)   Family Camp this weekend! Family camp will be this weekend, November 12th-14th, at Camp Pirtle (Co Rd 1241, Gary City, TX 75643).  We will be in campsites 5 & 6 (campsite assignments will be in an email sent Wednesday).  There will be a trailer to help get gear to campsites Friday from 5:30-7:30 and Saturday from 7:00AM-9:00AM.  If you arrive at times when the trailer is not running you will need to cart you own gear in so a wagon is a good idea.  YOU CANNOT DRIVE TO…

Reminder Flag Placement Today at 4:00pm

Hello Tiger Families, This is a reminder that we are meeting at the church at 4:00pm today for Veteran’s Day Flag Placement. Here is a link to routes for our den. Tiger Den Flag Routes . I will also have paper copies of your assigned routes if you prefer. I’ll assign routes based on how many people show up today. Thank you in advance for taking time out to help with this important fundraiser for our pack. The more families who show up to help, the quicker it will go for everyone. Thank you so much to those who have already put out flags this week. We really appreciate it! Cheers! Lacey