Den 2

All about flags

Good Afternoon Wolves Family, Tonight we will be working to complete the final requirements that we will do as a den and that is flags. We will learn how to properly care for our flag. We will also practice our part in next weeks pack meeting. If you got a text from me about completing other requirements please keep working on them. If you have completed them please get with me so I can get the dates from you. See y’all tonight!! Jacquelyn and Cody

DINOmite Tuesday meeting

Good afternoon wolves families. This week our meeting will be on Tuesday at 6:30. As the header suggests the meeting will be all about dinosaurs and Digging into the Past. We will be excavating dinosaurs from Dino eggs, making our own edible fossils and a couple other dinosaur related activities. Hope to see everyone there. -Jacquelyn

Community Service

Good Afternoon Wolves family, We will be meeting tonight at our usual time and working on our Cubs who care elective. One of our upcoming requirements includes the need for a community service project. The Whitehouse Methodist Church is holding a Souper Bowl Sunday canned food drive and I would love for our Den to participate in helping them reach their goals. So  if you could, please bring a couple cans to any of the meetings this month so I can mark your child down as having participated. In the next couple of weeks I will be reaching out to anyone who may have missed some meetings that involved a required adventure. I will let you know what part(s) are missing and then as you…


Good afternoon will we family, We will be meeting tonight at 6:30. Tonight’s meeting will be about all about coins. We will end the meeting with the much anticipated good behavior ice cream rewards.

Healthy Picnic and kite homework

Happy Saturday wolves family, I have sent out the sign for our “Healthy” picnic via signup genius. We have a new cub joining us Monday so that will bring our total to 11. Please don’t forget the homework assignment of helping the kids make a kite out of items you have at home and bringing it Monday so we can test it first thing before we lose all the light. Hope to see everyone there. -Jacquelyn

Meeting tonight

Good afternoon, We will be meeting tonight to work on our air of the wolf elective. It will require us to go outside for a little bit so please make sure the kiddos have a coat/hoddie during that time. I will also send them home with some homework for next week. See you at 6:30. -Jacquelyn Lackey

Finishing up adventures

Happy Monday wolves family, We will be meeting tonight at our normal time and in our normal room. It may be a shorter meeting than normal but I hope to wrap up at least 2 belt loops. We will not have a meeting next week as it is Thanksgiving break. -Jacquelyn

Veterans Day programs

Good Morning Wolves families, If your school is not having a Veteran’s Day event or your scout is not included in the event (due to space or whatever) and you wish to participate in one you are welcome to join in Higgin Elementary’s Veteran’s Day program tonight Thursday, November 9th. Come in your Class A uniform and serve as door greeters for those coming in ONLY. Greet from 5:30-6:00pm. Higgins is located at 306 Bascom Rd. -Jacquelyn

Pack Meeting & Bear Carnival

Happy Monday Wolves Family, Tonight is our first Pack meeting and a lot of our new kids have obtained their Bobcat rank, including all of our new wolves. Directly following the pack meeting will be the Bear Carnival. We hope you will all be able to attend. Have the kids wear their Class A uniforms. The Pack meeting will be held in the church at 6:30. Please meet in our regular room no later than 6:20 as I would like to have a talk with the kids before the group get together. Thank you!! -Jacquelyn