Den 2

Flag Route Reconciliation

Good Morning Terrific Tigers! We need to place our flags for Memorial Day this weekend. I want to use this time to reconcile my list of which families cover routes. If you have been servicing a route, please text me what route it is. If you have not had a consistent route but can help, please let me know that too! We want to ensure our Supporters are taken care of. My Cell phone is (903) 530-9378 Thanks, Jason

No Den Meeting tonight

Hey Tigers! We will not have a meeting tonight. My oldest son has a Parent Meeting for Dual Credit High School classes. Today is the last chance to register for Quad Jam. The Pack will cover the cost for scouts and adults. You will need to bring lunch. The list of events is attached. Register on our Pack Website at Scouts may continue to work on elective adventures until May 31st. Please let me know if your scout completes any, and we’ll get the belt loops for them.

Flag Ceremony Practice Tonight!

Terrrrifffic Tigers!! Tonight is our final meeting before our Blue & Gold Ceremony this Saturday evening. If you have any remaining requirements to turn in, please bring your updates and final requirement turn-ins this evening. If your scout has not had enough time to finish the Tiger Rank, don’t worry. Scouts have until June 1st to finish their current rank and any optional electives they want to pursue. Our Den is responsible for the Flag Ceremonies at Blue and Gold. We will practice tonight in the Sanctuary. See you all tonight! Jason

No Den Meeting Tonight

Hey Tigers! Don’t forget; we will NOT meet tonight. Please use this time to finish up your Duty to God or attend a sporting event. There is a Track Meet at the stadium tonight, and baseball/softball is in full swing all across East Texas. NEXT WEEK – Next week is our final meeting before Blue & Gold. Feel free to bring your healthy snack if you need to. We are also going to practice our flag ceremony! Our Tigers will be responsible for the opening and closing flag Ceremony at Blue and Gold Banquet. Text me if you have any questions – (903) 530-9378 Jason

My Tiger Jungle

Hey Tigers! Tonight we are going to work on our “My Tiger Jungle” requirement. Please be sure your scout is dressed for outside. Class B t-shirts are just fine for this evening. For those still on Spring Break, here are the requirements: We will be completing 1, 2 & 3. Complete Requirement 1 plus at least two others. 1. With your parent/guardian or other caring adult (referred to in the handbook as “your adult partner”), go for a walk outside, and pick out two or more sights or sounds of “nature” around you. Discuss with your partner or den. 2. Take a 1-foot hike. Make a list of the living things you find on your 1-foot hike. Discuss these plants or animals with your parent/guardian,…

Tigers in the wild!

Hey Tigers ! Tonight we will begin our Tigers in the Wild rank requirement. Mr. Cody will be there to start the meeting at 6:30 as Zoey has softball process until 6:30. We will be learning about the outdoor code and our six essentials to prepare for a short hike with the den or the family. You may bring your healthy snack at any point in time up until our second meeting in April. This will complete your Games Tigers Play requirement that we started last week. Spring break campers! We have a meeting on Wednesday at 6:30 to review some of the questions about spring break and we’ll have a physician on site to sign any health form part C’s that still need to…

Scout Sunday!

Scout Sunday is a great way to show our support and gratitude to Whitehouse Methodist Church. If your family plans to attend, please be at the church by 9:25 in the morning. Wear your class A uniform. NO HATS The Troop will serve Donuts and Kolaches after the service. Jason

New Requirement Tonight!

Hey tigers! Tonight we’ll begin the Games Tigers Play adventure. This will be over the next few weeks and one requirement is to attend a sporting event. There are several events coming up and we’ll go over there some more detail this evening. Class B or t-shirts can be worn tonight. Jason

Flag pick-up time

Good morning Terrific Tigers! Our flag Zone is Zone 1. We have 5 flag routes in this zone which are A1, A2, A3, A4, and C4. You can find the routes on I recommend using the ‘Print View’ to see the routes. Once a flag is picked up, use the “Update Status” button to change. We have a couple of routes covered already, but are looking for someone to cover the others. A1 (McElroy near Camp Tyler) – NEED HELP A2 (Peninsula, off Bascom) – NEED HELP A3 (Acker Tap) – Claire Brown A4 (346 near Baseball Complex) – Elliott Wray C4 (Lake Tyler) – NEED HELP Please let me know if your family can cover a route. (903) 530-9378 Have a great weekend!…