Den 2

Meeting the Mayor tonight!

Hey Tigers! We have a special guest at tonight’s meeting. Along with the Lions, we’ll start our meeting off with the Whitehouse Mayor, James Wansley! The Whitehouse Christmas parade and booth are this Saturday! Be sure to watch for an email from the Pack regarding times and events. See everyone tonight at 6:30. Jason

Tiger Meeting Tonight – Protect Yourself Rules

Tigers, Tonight we will be watching a 15 min video ( for the Protect Yourself Rules requirement. We will also review how to access ScoutBook and update any electives or requirements your scout may do at home. Protect Yourself Rules Complete each of the following: 1. Watch the Protect Yourself video lessons for this adventure. 2. Identify the difference between a safe touch and an unsafe touch. 3. With your adult partner, make a list of five trusted adults. 4. With your adult partner, practice Shout, Run, and Tell. Let me know if you have any questions, Jason

Tiger Bites Adventure!

Hello Tiger Families! Family Camp is this weekend at Camp Pirtle (same place as Mom & Me). I need to know who will be attending from our Den. Registration closes tomorrow evening. I will not be at Family Camp (all 3 of my kids have a soccer tournament). Tonight we will begin our Tiger Bites adventure. Requirements 1, 2, 3, and 5. Here are the requirements if you need to do them at home: Complete Requirements 1 and 2 plus at least two others. With your parent, guardian, other caring adult, or den, find out about good food choices and not-so-good choices. Identify three foods that you think would be good choices and three foods that would not be good choices. Explain the importance of…

Parent’s Night Out on Friday

Sign up for Parent Night Out is still open! If you haven’t signed up your scout, there is still time! This is such a fun event, and your kids will fall fast asleep and all the running and playing! It runs from 6:30 to 9:00 PM and don’t forget to bring your Nerf Guns too! Encourage their friends to come too! You don’t have to be a Scout to attend. Go have a date night, clean the house, or better yet take a nap! Sign up at

Tigers Tonight!

Hey it’s terrific tigers! I look forward to seeing all of our tigers at the meeting tonight at 6:30 p.m. at the church. We’re going to continue working towards our bobcat of work with some fun games. Jason

Tiger Time!

Hey Tiger families! Tonight is our first Den Meeting of the new scouting year at 6:30 at the United Methodist Church in Whitehouse. Our first goal is to complete all of our requirements to earn our Bobcat Rank before the October Pack Meeting. We’re working on the Scout Law tonight. See you there!

Flag Routes

Below are the routes each parent is responsible for helping with the flag fundraiser. You can see your route at I know this is new for you all so shoot me a text (903-539-1763) and we will go over it. Thank you much! A1 – Micheal A2 – Dustin A3 –  Shane A4 – Jason out and Jackoline pick up C4 – Cody Patrick – Flag storage store Jessica – Flag storage put out

Animal Parade

Don’t forget tomorrow night Mr. Patrick will be leading our Den meeting and the Lions need to dress up like an animal for an animal parade and they will show us how the animal walks and what sounds it makes! Also tomorrow while the Lions are playing their game I will let parents know what requirements your scout may be missing. All requirements need to be completed by the April 4th Den meeting to receive belt loop. Cody

Monday Night

Happy Sunday Lion Parents, just wanted to let y’all know that at the Pinewood derby award show the Lions, regardless if they attended, won, or lost, each Lion will receive a participation medal. Also if you can work with them tonight or tomorrow before the show on their skit it would be much appreciated. Their first line is repeating the word “attention” while walking to the stage. They will keep saying attention till I ask “what do y’all want??” Then they will reply “We just want attention!” They will then go back to their seats. Our skit is right after the special style awards, so if you can send your kid to the back of the room to Mrs. Jacquelyn once they call out the…