YPT Certificates
Hey Den Please print your YPT certificate and bring with you to den meeting tomorrow night. Thank you!
Hey Den Please print your YPT certificate and bring with you to den meeting tomorrow night. Thank you!
Sorry for late notice. As you know we are meeting at the Fire Station tonight. If your kiddos have a Lion shirt please have them wear them tonight. If you do not already have a Lion shirt don’t worry about it and come as you are.
Howdy! In case you missed the message from the Pack earlier this week, it is time for us to pick up flags. If you are NOT able to pick up the same route you delivered, please let me know. Otherwise, I will assume you have it covered. If you were not able to help deliver flags, but can assist during Pick Up, please let me know. There were several routes (pack-wide) that were not covered during deliveries. Our routes are: Route A1 – McElroy Road near Camp Tyler. 11 Flags with 11 Customers Route A2 – Peninsula Road. 11 Flags with 10 Customers – Emily Russell already picked up Route A3 – Acker Tap and North Whitehouse – 8 Flags with 7 Customers – Jacen Jones Route…
Hey Arrows! We will be placing flags at Prestige Estates this afternoon starting at 5:00 PM. Come when you can. Class A Uniforms, please. Jason
Hey Lions! We will be placing flags at Prestige Estates on Friday afternoon, starting at 5:00 PM. Come when you can. Class A Uniforms, please. The Arrow of Light Den will be there as well to help these young’ins. Jason
Hey, Arrows and Lions!! It’s time for our Flag Deliveries again! I love this fundraiser! It’s so easy 🙂 Our Lion Den will accompany our Arrow Of Light Den this year. They will be assuming the ownership after we cross-over into Scouts BSA Troops in the Spring. All Route Details can be found at https://etacpack359.org/routes/ We are responsible for these 5 routes. (We are also responsible for Prestige Estates for Labor Day) Please let me know what Route you could help with. Route A1 – McElory Road near Camp Tyler. 11 Flags with 11 Customers Route A2 – Peninsula Road. 11 Flags with 10 Customers Route A3 – Acker Tap and North Whitehouse – 8 Flags with 7 Customers – Jacen Jones Route A4 –…