Den 3

Last Few Tiger Requirements – Homework

Good afternoon Tiger families!  I hope you all are having a Happy Valentines Day!  The last few Tiger requirements will be completed with the scout and their parent or caring adult at home.  We WILL still have meetings, but the activities listed below are generally better presented at home.  Please  let me know if you have any questions. Tiger Circles: Duty to God Adventure Requirements Complete Requirement 1 plus at least two others. 1. Discuss with your parent, guardian, den leader, or other caring adult what it means to do your duty to God. Tell how you do your duty to God in your daily life. 2. With a family member, attend a religious service or other activity that shows how your family expresses reverence…

No Meeting 2/5/24 – Derby, recharter, and flags!

Hello Tigers!  We will not meet Monday 2/5 to allow time to work on the derby cars.  Derby cars are due in on Friday at the church between 6 and 8pm, Racing starts Saturday morning (schedule to be posted shortly).  As a reminder recharter is due, if you do not recharter your scout will be removed from scout book.  Flags also go out this weekend, please use the link in the pack update to sign up for a route.  If you need help on your derby car, you are welcome to come by our house (906 Corey Drive Whitehouse, TX) during what would be our normal Monday meeting time and I can assist you with cutting, drilling any holes, sanding, etc… you might need.  I…

Found Tiger Book

I have a tiger book that was left on a table at the last den meeting at the church, if it is yours please let me know.  I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!  We will see you next year at the January 8th Pack Meeting! Thanks, Chris Jennings (903) 780-0845

No Meeting Tonight 12/4

Good Morning Tigers!  We will not have a meeting tonight, please use this time to work on your castles made from recyclable materials.  Please bring the castles and your scout dressed as a night to the 12/11 meeting next week!  Have a great week!