Den 6

Meeting tomorrow outside across from Pike Hall

Hi Tiger Families! Tomorrow’s meeting will be outside! I think the kiddos will enjoy the change. In the scout email that went out, we mentioned meeting under that pavilion outside. However, we’ve been invite to hike around the property down the hill from the church tomorrow. Therefore, the best place to meet will be in the grassy area across from Pike Hall. (In the area where we did our square foot hike if you remember that). Scouts should have their SIX ESSENTIALS for Scouting in their back packs. If you missed last week, I have a pack for you.  Please be sure that there are batteries in the flashlight by tomorrow’s meeting. We will most likely need them for our trek back to the parking…

Tigers Rock!

Hey Tiger Families! If you were able to come and help out with the litter pick-up yesterday afternoon, thank you so much! If you were not able to attend, no worries! Here are ways you can complete Team Tiger with your family: You can do a community service project with your family (it can be small and simple). Here are some examples: You can pick up litter together in your neighborhood, or near your school. You could also gather canned food items from your panty or from the store to donate to the local food pantry. Basically- work as a family team to do something good for the community. I’m happy to help you organize this or give more suggestions if you’d like any.  (You…

Litter Pick up this afternoon!

Hey guys! What a beautiful day to be outside today! Don’t forget about our litter pick-up at 2:00. I will have gloves, vests, and big bags. Parents, would you mind bringing a grocery sac with you? They will be much easier for the kids to hold while they’re collecting. I’ll also have extras. Thank-you! See you soon! Lacey

Litter Pick-Up Tomorrow

When: Saturday, February 19th  See you there at 2:00 to 3:00 pm on highway 110 in Whitehouse across from Gateway Baptist Church and just south of Blackhawk Creek Ranch. There is a very big shoulder on the road for some vehicles to park. The flier for the pick up is attached. The Pack still has some flags that need to go out this week-end. Would anyone be available and able to help place flags after our litter pick-up. Please let me or Nichole know if you’re able to lend a hand. My number is 936-645-0707 and Nichole’s is 210-865-2712. We thank you in advance!

Pack Meeting Tonight, Please Pick up Flags After Meeting

Hello Tiger Families! This is a reminder that we have a Pack Meeting tonight, and it will be a fun one! We’ll be announcing the winners from the Pinewood Derby Races and our Tigers will get to share our song with the rest of the Pack. Please have your scout wear their Class A uniforms (Blue shirt). Did you know that President’s Day is February 21st, next Monday? Our Flag Service Customers will get to show their support for our Pack and our Country with our flag service. The Tiger den is responsible for putting out flags at Zone 5. Here is a link to the routes. Please chose one and put the flags out by Wednesday. ZONE 5 click here.    After you have placed…

Den Meeting Tonight- Tiger Bites!

Hi Tiger Families! I’m looking forward to seeing everyone tonight at our usual place. If you’re able, bring your Scout’s favorite snack to share tonight! I will also have plenty to share, so don’t worry if you’re not able to bring anything today. If you’re not able to bring anything tonight and your Scout would like to share their favorite snack, let me know and we can plan for you to bring something to our next den meeting. Thanks for supporting your Scout! Sincerely, Lacey

Team Tiger! (a little bit of homework)

Hello Tiger Families! I missed seeing everyone last night. It’s hard to believe that the schools are closing again because of COVID. It feels like deja vu! However, I’m confident that things will be back to normal soon. I have some “homework” to help us stay on track towards earning our Tiger Advancement by the end of May. We will now start working on TEAM TIGER! Because we missed last week, I would like for you as a family to work on Adventure requirement #1: “With your parent, guardian, or other caring adult talk about what it means to be part of a team. List some of the teams you are on (your den, your class, your family, sports team etc..), and explain how you…

Meeting Tonight

Hello Tiger Families,   This is our last meeting of 2021 (!). It’s hard to believe that 2022 is just around the corner. At the meeting tonight, Herchel Smith (Gage Smith’s Dad) is going to lead us in an activity on fire safety. I’ll also talk about how you can earn the Duty to God belt loop, and play a little game if we have time.   See you tonight, uniform is Class B (t-shirts).   Lacey