Den 6

Rose Festival Tomorrow Morning

Hello Wolf Families! We would love to have you and your scouts in the Rose Parade tomorrow! Our scouts will LEAD the parade!  Unfortunately, Caleb and our crew will not be there, but I hope you can make it! Here is some information from Nicole about the logistics of tomorrow: Scouts (and walking parents) need to meet at the corner of Glenwood and Front Street at 7:30. We will meet on the South East (Bottom Right) of the intersection across from the UT Health EMS Services building. You will most likely need to park somewhere else and walk to the meeting location. Check-in – PLEASE check in your scouts with one of our leaders. We will have a sign-in and sign-out sheet to ensure all scouts are…

Meeting tonight at Blackhawk Creek Hiking and Biking Trail

Hello Wolf Families! I am so excited about our little “hike.” We’ll be meeting at the Blackhawk Creek Trail in Whitehouse. You can find directions here . Please bring what you have of the Cub Scout 6 essentials. If you don’t have any of the items, it’s 100% okay! As Wolves, our scouts are just learning what things the should carry and working on collecting the items over time. A flashlight may be need tonight though. Ben’s mom has extras that she will be bringing just in case. Thank you so much parents for all of your support! My number is 936-645-0707 if you need anything. Sincerely, Lacey

Blackhawk Creek Hike and Health Forms

Hello! If you haven’t had a chance to fill out and turn in your health forms, I’ve attached some here for you. We will need them turned in for our nature walk on Monday. We are going to be on the look-out for animal footprints and other signs of wildlife while we’re there. I hope you and your scout are looking forward to it! Thanks! Lacey

Den Meeting Tonight

Hello! I look forward to seeing everyone this evening at 6:30pm. We’ll meet at the same place (Pike Hall). We are starting out Call of Wild Belt Loop! The kids will learn how to tie an overhand knot and a square knot. If you have some cordage or rope or yarn please bring it. If not, I will have plenty to pass around. I have attached our schedule for 2022. I did not include all Pack activities. Those can be found here: Pack Calendar  See you soon! Lacey

First Wolf Den Meeting

Hello Wolf Families! We will be meeting today in Pike Hall (where we met last year) at 6:30pm. If you have an extra pair of scissors and a permanent marker to bring to the meeting, that would be great. We will be cutting out pieces of leather to make wolf neckerchief slides. If you have your class A (blue button down Scout shirt) please wear it. If you don’t have one yet, that’s not a problem. This year we will be learning how to do a real flag ceremony! We have two Den Chiefs (Boy Scouts from Troop 359) that will help lead your boys and girls in the flag ceremony each week. This will be a great opportunity for our kids to learn from…


Hello Wolf Families! I hope everyone has had a nice summer! While the relaxed summer schedule was nice, I am glad to get back into the swing of things. Here are a couple of things I’d like to cover in this email: Flag delivery, Group Me account, Upcoming Events and Den Meetings Flag Delivery: September 11th is coming up and we need to set out flags for our customers. Flags will be set outside of the church building by 4:00 today (Friday). Please pick a route and deliver the flags over the weekend. Here are the routes and family names based on what we did last time: Sivula- D3, Jones- D4, Nickles- C2, Russell- D2, Jennings- C7 , Nicole’s family did D1 last time, but…

Meeting Tonight

Hello Tiger Families! I will show the Cyber Chip videos tonight at the meeting.  I’ll also introduce the skit for our Blue and Gold “performance.” We have two more meetings after tonight, so if you’re not able to make it or have already watched the Cyber Chip videos, no worries. We’ll have plenty of time to learn and practice the skit before Blue and Gold on April 23rd. Thanks! Lacey

GroupMe and other notes

Hello! If you haven’t joined our GroupMe group yet here is the link: You’re invited to my new group ‘Pack 359 Den 6′ on GroupMe. Click here to join: Below is a list of Pack events through Summer. All the events are listed in the Pack Calendar. March 25 – AOL Crossover April 23 – Blue and Gold April 29-May 1 – Spring Family Campout at Camp Tyler June 11 – Bicycle Rally at UMC July 23-24 – NASA You are invited to the Arrow of Light Crossover Ceremony this Friday at 6:00. This is not required, but it’s a great opportunity to see Cub scouts “crossover” to become BSA Scouts. It will be at the church. Scouts should wear their Class A uniforms…