Pack Communication

Communication for the Entire Pack

Important Rose Parade Information

Happy Friday Pack! Important Rose Parade Information **Location Change**Scouts (and walking parents) need to meet at the corner of Glenwood and Front Street between 7:30 and 7:45 AM. We will meet on the South East (Bottom Right) of the intersection across from the UT Health EMS Services building. The best way to drop off is from the South (Green Arrows on the map). Everything else will be blocked off. It is normal to park somewhere else and walk to the meeting location. Check-in – PLEASE check in your scouts with one of our leaders. We will have a sign-in and sign-out sheet to ensure all scouts are accounted for. DO NOT ALLOW YOUR SCOUT TO WALK TO THE MEETING LOCATION UNACCOMPANIED. Parents – Lion and…

Mom and Me

Pack 359, TODAY is the last day to register for mom and me and be certain you receive a t-shirt.  If you are wanting to attend and get a cool t-shirt please go to and click mom and me to register.  Friday at noon is when registration will close.  

Meetings and Rose Parade

Howdy Pack 359, Tomorrow we will have den meetings.. Please see below for room assignments.  Saturday we will participate in the Rose Parade, please wear Field uniform (class A). Other details follows. Room Assignments Lions (k)-meet at the Fire Station see den leader for details Tigers (1st)-Pike hall Wolves (2nd)-Fellowship hall Bears (3rd)-meet on Tuesday at 6:30 see den leader Webelos (4th)-youth room AOL (5th)-Connor hall Rose Parade Details Scouts will need to meet at the corner of Front and Vine street at 7:45 am on Saturday, October 16th.  The Parade will start promptly at 9 am.  Please have older scouts wear good walking shoes.  Lions and tigers will ride on the trailer.  See you guys there!

Den Meetings

Hello everyone, Arrow of Light den (5th) will meet at 6 tomorrow night.  Please see below for room assignments and other details Room Assignments Lions (k)-discovery room Tigers (1st)-outside under Pavillion Wolves (2nd)-Fellowship hall Bears (3rd)-meet on Tuesday at 6:30 see den leader Webelos (4th)-youth room AOL (5th)-Connor hall at 6PM Upcoming Events October 16th: Rose Parade (must have Field/Class A uniform) October 23rd-24th: Mom & Me campout at Pirtle register online November 12-14th: Family Camp Parents be sure to be completing your Youth Protection Training.  If you don’t know how see Mrs. Somer tomorrow night.

FIRST Den Meetings

Hello Pack 359! I am so excited for this week!  If you did not finish filling out paperwork (or couldn’t make it) last Monday, please bring all paperwork and health insurance cards tomorrow. See below for den room assignments and upcoming events. Room Assignments Lions (k)-discovery room Tigers (1st)-room behind Pike hall Wolves (2nd)-Fellowship hall Bears (3rd)-meet on Tuesday at 6:30 see den leader Webelos (4th)-youth room AOL (5th)-Connor hall Upcoming Events October 2nd: Flag build day at the Chruch October 16th: Rose Parade (must have Field/Class A uniform) October 23rd-24th: Mom & Me campout at Pirtle registration opens tomorrow. November 12-14th: Family Camp I can’t wait to see you guys tomorrow! Somer Bockover Cubmaster

Upcoming Events

Howdy Pack 359, Here is a rundown of upcoming scouting events. Tomorrow is the ALL parent meeting.  Please bring a pen, insurance cards, and be ready to fill out paperwork.  Kids will have a movie to watch.  If you were asked to help out and have a brown shirt please wear it. First official den meetings Monday September 27th at 6:30pm Whitehouse United Methodist (Bears or 3rd grade will meet Tuesday night, see den leader for details). October 23rd-24th is the Council Mom & Me. Please do not register with the council, we will register as a pack. I cannot wait to see everyone tomorrow.

Labor Day Flag Pick-Up

Good Evening Pack! Labor Day and Patriots’ Day have come and gone and it’s time to retrieve our Flags. Please coordinate with your Den Leaders for your routes (Or do them a HUGE favor and say you’ll get your same route as last time 🙂 ). All routes can be found at You will notice there is now a button to create a ‘Printable’ list. If you like to work from paper, this is your new best friend! Be sure to select your Route and print on Landscape. ** New Feature**  For those who did not know, every customer has a “Flag Profile” on our website. When you click on a name in a Route list, you will be taken to their profile. You…

Upcoming events

Howdy Pack 359, I cannot wait to get back to scouting! Here are the events coming up soon. This week: Monday: flag pick up, routes should have been assigned by your den leader.  The church will be open tomorrow at 6:30PM for you to put flags away. Thursday: Ice Cream Social Whitehouse City Park, 6PM bring a friend! Saturday: recruitment and flag sale table at the Whitehouse farmers market 8:30 AM to noon. Next week:  ALL parent meeting at the church at 6:30 PM.  This is for new and returning parents.  A movie will be set up for any kiddos that need to tag along. See you all Thursday! Yours in Scouting, Somer Bockover  

Cub Olympics

Howdy Pack 359, I am so ready to get back to scouting!!! I hope you all had a great summer and an easy start to the school year.  Tomorrow evening we will be having a fun filled event, Cub Scout Olympics!  Join us at the church baseball field at 6:30 PM for some fun and games! Here are the events 20 m hurdles Javelin throw Water balloon shot put Flyswatter golf Marksmanship Wet torch relay Cubs will rotate through the events with their den and medals will be awarded for each event.  I can’t wait to see you all there! Calendar Updates Flags Delivered before Monday, August 30 (See Den Leader Communication) Saturday, September 11 – Recruitment Booth @ Whitehouse Farmers Market 9a – 2p…

We’re Competing in the OLYMPICS!!

Happy Wednesday Pack! I hope everyone survived the CRAZY morning! First Day of School, Rain, Traffic, and Flooded Roads, OH MY! I can promise you we are thinking of all our Cubs, Teachers, and Parents. We cannot wait to hear about all the fun Cubs had this week when we meet Monday. This coming Monday (Aug 23rd), we are hosting the CUB SCOUT OLYMPICS! The first event will start at 6:30 PM at the Church. Here are the events: 20m Hurdles Javelin Throw Water Balloon Shot Put Flyswatter Golf Marksmanship Wet Torch Relay Cubs will rotate through the events with their Dens. Medals will be awarded for each event. Let The Games Begin!   Also – This Saturday (Aug 21st) at 4 PM Whitehouse United…