Flag Service Help Needed Tomorrow!
Howdy, Pack 359 Family!! We need your help tomorrow out flags tomorrow for President's Day
Communication for the Entire Pack
Howdy, Pack 359 Family!! We need your help tomorrow out flags tomorrow for President's Day
Howdy, Pack 359 Family!! As you all should know by now, we are trying to get our Flag program up and running to supplement our Popcorn sales. Well, here is your opportunity to help…. This Wednesday, Feb 13 at 5:30PM, we will be meeting at the church to help sell (to new customers) and distribute flags (to existing customers). Ryan Bockover will take the lead in this endeavor. Please come in Field (Class A) uniform to help us out and deliver this awesome service. All our fundraising efforts help to keep our costs low for you!!! Look forward to seeing you Wednesday! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster
Howdy, Pack 359 Family!!! Thanks to all Scout Sunday participants!! It’s great appreciated! Pinewood Derby is this coming weekend. You must check-in your completed car on Friday, 2/15, between 6-8pm at Pollard UMC. There will be a pit crew there to help with any last minute adjustments. Pinewood Derby is Saturday, 2/16, starting at 9 AM at Pollard UMC. We should be completed by lunch. Attached, once again, are the rules and regulations for the Derby. These are strictly enforced. Uniform is Field (Class A)!! Den Meeting Spots at 6:30pm Monday: 1. Lions – Choir Room 2. Tigers – Discovery Room 3. Wolves – Side by Side Room 4. Bears – Fellowship Hall 5. Webelos – Pike Hall 6. AOL – parents are meeting in…
Good morning, Pack 359 Family!! We need to show our support for our charter organization by showing up for Scout Sunday this Sunday at 9:30 AM. Uniform is Field (Class A). Let's have a great turn-out for this event. There will also be a luncheon provided. If you are coming, we have been asked to bring desserts. Go to etacpack359.org/scoutsunday to register so we can get a headcount. A cool patch goes to those who participate. Thanks for all you do!! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster
Good morning, Pack 359 Family!!! This Sunday, we are invited to Scout Sunday at Whitehouse UMC. Service starts at 9:30AM. Uniform is Field (Class A). This is an excellent opportunity to show our appreciation for our charter organization as they provide the ability for us to have meetings on a weekly basis. We need a strong showing of Scouts this Sunday! We will sit together as a group. There will be a luncheon afterwards. If coming, we have been asked to brings desserts. Please sign up at etacpack359.org/scoutsunday There is a patch earned for attending. Thanks for all you do!! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster
Happy Super Bowl Sunday, Pack 359 Family!!! Here are the room assignments for Monday's meetings: 1. Lions – Not Meeting 2. Tigers – Discovery Room 3. Wolves – Side by Side Classroom 4. Bears – Fellowship Hall 5. Webelos – We're tired (leaders especially)…….NOT MEETING. 6. AOL – most are visiting outside troops…….however, if you have missing requirements, you will meet with your Den Leader in Pike Hall. Please see Den Leader communication for more information. Upcoming Events: 1. Pinewood Derby – Saturday, Feb 16 at Pollard UMC. Check-in for all cars will be Friday, Feb 15 from 6-8 pm. More detailed email to follow. 2. Spring Break Trip – Saturday, March 9 – Tuesday, March 12 at Lake Eufala in Oklahoma. Limited amount of spots available. Look for upcoming email regarding registering…
Howdy, Pack 359 Family!! Tomorrow at 6:30 pm in the church sanctuary is our January Pack Meeting. Uniform is Field (Class A). NO hats please. Please get to working on those PWD cars as the derby is right around the corner. Thanks for all you do!! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster
Howdy, Pack 359 Family! I hope your PWD derby cars are coming along. We have extra cars and weights that will be available at Monday's meetings. Meeting Locations: 1. Lions – Choir Room 2. Tigers – Discovery Room 3. Wolves – Side by Side Room 4, Bears – Pike Hall 5. Webelos – Conner Hall 6. AOL – Sanctuary REMINDERS: 1. Pinewood Derby – Saturday, Feb 16 at Pollard UMC. Car check-in is the evening before. 2. District Pinewood Derby – Saturday, March 2 at Green Acres Baptist Church. This will be for the top 2 winners in each den for Speed and Style. 3. Spring Break Trop – March 9-12 at Lake Eufala in Oklahoma. More details to follow. Thanks for all you do! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster
Happy Sunday, Pack 359 Family! I hope everyone was able to get a headstart on their PWD cars on Saturday!!! A special thanks to all the awesome leaders and parents who volunteered their time. Here are the room assignments for Monday's Den Meetings: 1. Lions – Choir Room 2. Tigers – Discovery Room 3. Wolves – Side by Side Room 4. Bears – Pike Hall 5. Webelos – Fellowship Hall 6. AOL – Sanctuary Please make sure you're meeting with your Scout's leaders to ensure you're completing requirements toward advancement. Thanks for all you do! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster
Howdy, Pack 359 Family!!! Tomorrow, starting at 9AM, is Pinewood Derby Build Day! Location is the fellowship hall of the church. This is a great opportunity for you to get a head start on building the BEST derby car! Couple of things regarding tomorrow: 1. You can pick up your car tomorrow (if you haven't done so already). The pack covers the cost of one car per Scout. Additional cars for family members, OPEN races, etc are available for $4 per car. 2. Please bring a plastic ZipLoc Baggie (with your name on it) to hold all your car parts! 3. Please bring some money. The AOL Den will be selling breakfast items to help offset the cost of their Crossover Ceremony in March. Don't…