Retired Communications

Communication specific for each den

Important Info!

Howdy, AOL Family! This Monday we will be working as patrols to set up tents, plan Family Camp, etc. Uniform will be Activity (Class B). Please sign up for Family Camp at camp. We need an accurate headcount as the Pack provides Saturday breakfast and dinner. Please make plans to attend family camp as we will be completing requirements for AOL advancement.

Meeting Recap….10/28/2019

Howdy, AOL Family!! Great meeting tonight. Your Scout needs to work on memorizing the Leave No Trace 7 principles and the Outdoor Code. They got these handouts tonight. If your Scout didn’t bring it home, it’s in the handbook or just GOOGLE it. Your Scout also needs to practice the bowline knot we learned tonight. They have to teach a younger Scout next week. A handy app is KNOTS 3D. There may be free ones out there. We will also be setting up tents next week at our meeting for the Outdoor Adventure. Please check your calendars to make sure you can make Fall Family Camp Nov 8 – 10 at Pirkey Environmental Park. The Scouts will be in charge of tent set-up, cooking lunch…


Reminder, tonight the Webelos will be meeting at the Coursey’s house for fire building at 6 instead of 6:30. Wear class B (t-shirt).

Monday’s Meeting, 10/28/19

Howdy, AOL Family, we will be meeting this evening at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Uniform is Field (Class A). We will be switching patrol leaders this evening. Also, we will continue working on the outdoor adventurer. There will be an email regarding signing-up for Family camp coming shortly from the Pack. We need an accurate count so we don’t over-purchase supplies. See you this evening!!

Den Meeeting

Howdy Wolf Families, Monday night we will start “Call of the Wild” to prepare us for upcoming family camp. We will review Outdoor code, Leave no trace and start planning our den lunch at camp. I look forward to seeing everyone. Yours In Scouting, Kathy

Monday meeting

Happy Friday! We will be meeting at the Coursey’s house to do fire building. The Scouts that have not gotten their whittling chip need to bring a locking pocket knife or let me know if you need one. We will be going over the safety and first part of it. The address is 20957 Mixon RD Troup tx 75789 I would like to start at 6 that way we will be able to get everything in before it gets too dark. Ryan

Campout Missing Items!

Howdy, AOL Family! What a great time had by all at the Rose Parade and campout this weekend. We have quite a few lost & found items from the campout. Please let me know if your Scout is missing anything, or if your Scout came home with something that you don’t recognize. Pack Meeting tomorrow!!! Our Program Patrol will be leading the Flag ceremonies. Uniform is Field (Class A). No need for hats in the the church sanctuary. See you tomorrow!!

Flag Ceremony and Parade Updates

Friday Night Whitehouse Football game Flag Ceremony: Scouts in full Class A uniform that arrive to help with the flag ceremony are free. (be at the gate by 6:30 to practice) Adults and siblings need to buy tickets. The campus offices will be open tomorrow. You can purchase until 9 am tomorrow for $6 adult and $3 for student OR at the gate $8. It is Military Appreciation Night – active duty and veterans get in free with their military ID. Scouts need to be in Class A uniform complete with neckerchief and arrive at the stadium at 6:30 pm to practice. Find the details and RSVP at Email and provide your size and our Cubmaster Somer Bockover will have one of last…

Webelos Fall Campout

This Saturday is our Fall Webelos Campout with the AOL den. If your scout and/or you will be attending please go to the link and sign up. We need a headcount by Friday so that we can get the food. The scouts will be working on their fire building skills and their Cast Iron Chef pin.

No Meeting on Monday,October 14th

Good Evening Terrific Tiger Team!! I will arrive home from a conference very late this evening, so we will not be meeting this Monday.. 10/14. We do have a Scout activity this week – Pack 359 is LEADING the Rose Parade this weekend and Tigers will ride on our pack trailer THIS Saturday, October 19. WE will be meeting EARLY before the parade, at 7:30am, at an assigned location that will be sent out once we receive it later this week. Cubs need to be in Class A uniforms, parents walking need to be in a pack shirt of some type. This is a great opportunity for the Cubs, as they open the parade. Pack T-shirts and hats are available at To earn their…