Retired Communications

Communication specific for each den

Webelos Camp – Registration

Tonight is the night! Come to learn about and sign up for LIMITED SPACE of Webelos camp. We have to register as a pack for this event. We will discuss scout to adult ratio, what the scouts will do at camp, and what the scouts need for camp. Bob is planning an outdoor activity for the Webelos during this meeting. Yours in scouting, Kathy

Webelos Camp – Registration

Monday night, April 23, we will be discussing and signing up for Webelos camp. Camp is June 10 – June 14. Price is $150 (before end of April). VERY LIMITED SPACE. We will discuss scout to adult ratio, what the scouts will do at camp, and what the scouts need for camp. Bob is planning an outdoor activity for the Webelos during this meeting. Yours in scouting, Kathy

Den Meeting, 4/9/18

Tomorrow, we will once again be practicing our Skits for Blue & Gold. Don’t forget to register at Please finish off any last minute requirements and enter into Scoutbook. Just a few Scouts are missing items, mainly pamphlet exercises, cyber chip, Duty to God, etc. See you tomorrow!

Get It Done!!!

Please look at Scoutbook and complete any needed requirements for Bear Advancement. Also, register for Blue & Gold at We will be practicing our skits again this coming Monday at the meeting. Thanks for all you do!

Blue & Gold

Monday night Joanne announced how our boys will be helping at Blue & Gold. If you want your child to participate holding the light saber for dens to walk through please be there at 5:00. Brad Thomas will be showing the boys what to do. We need a headcount for who is attending Blue & Gold. Order your tickets today!!

Advancements TONIGHT

The following parents need to talk to Kathy tonight about missing requirements: Brown, Hawkins, Ellis, Bonilla, Fritter, Bailey, Goldsmith, Staples, Clarke, and Dion. I look forward to seeing everyone tonight at the den meeting.

webelos meeting.

Parents and scouts this Monday we are going to work on our skit for the Blue and Gold ceremony. It is important that all the scouts show up and participate for this to work. Kathy will be going over what the boys need to do at the meeting and at home. We have not heard back from many parents about the status of their sons final requirements. Many still owe Duty To God, Cyber Chip and the Pamphlet exercises for youth protection in the front of your scout book. If I do not hear from you, your son will not make the webelo rank for the ceremony. All of you have my information so please contact me as soon as you can. Thanks for all…