Retired Communications

Communication specific for each den

Den Meeting, Monday, December 11

Hello, Bear Family! Remember your homework assignments for this coming Den Meeting. We are working on Duty to Country. Your Scout must choose 2 famous Americans (dead or alive). He will present one of these on Monday at the Den meeting. Please work on Duty to God at home over the Christmas holiday. Thanks for all you do! Yours in Scouting,

Wrap up First responder

We are going to finish the “First Responder” pin and discuss the requirements for “Duty to God and You”. If time remaining I will talk about any make up requirements for the kids. Have the boys bring their first aid kits they made to the den meeting. Thanks for all you help, Den5 Leader Bob Prince

Den meeting

Hello scout parents! Monday December 4th at 6 pm, we will meet at the Whitehouse fire department, Next to the park. We will be working on our Safe and smart elective adventure. Please log on to scoutbook and review and check off the requirements as you complete them. Also as a reminder, Friday evening at 7:30 well will meet at the Jones house to make the decorations for the trailer. I have made a list of who needs to bring what. See you then!

Pack Meeting Tomorrow

Hello, Bear Family, We will be leading the flag ceremonies for tomorrow’s Pack meeting. If several of you could arrive early 6:10ish, we can go over the ceremony. Please sign up for Holiday in the Park booth spots if you can. Please bring new crew socks to tomorrow’s meeting so we can give them to the church to donate to the elderly. Thanks!

Advancement makeup planning

Hey everyone, This Monday I will talk with parents and scouts about where each boys is as far as completion of their advancements so far this year. I will also discuss makeup days for scouts who need extra time. We are ahead of schedule so no worries. Monday November 27th is a Pack Meeting, but after that we have two den meetings and we will finish the last of “First Responder” and talk about “Duty to God” requirements. Thanks for all that you do. See you tomorrow. Den5 Leader Bob Prince.

Family Camp

I can’t wait for family camp. We will be finishing up one requirement, starting and finishing another and starting a 3rd!! Please bring your lion workbook and some markers or crayons.

Cast Iron Chef shopping requirement

Hey scouting families. Monday November 6, 2017 we will be meeting at the Whitehouse Brookshire’s parking lot at 6:30 pm for our shopping portion of the Cast Iron Chef requirement. Go over with your boys Requirement 3 (pg.44-45) so they will understand how to properly plan for a balanced meal. Also, I will be handing out awards from last weeks pack meeting. See you all tomorrow. Den5 leader Bob Prince.

Pack Meeting

Pack Meeting starts at 6:30 tomorrow at the church. We are responsible for the flag ceremony. I need some Scouts to show up early (6:00) to help with the ceremony. If I can get at least seven boys to help it would be great. Any boy who cannot help this time will have several opportunities through out the year to be apart of the process. Class A uniforms please. Thanks always for your support. Den5 leader Bob Prince

Bear Carnival Tomorrow, October 30

Hello, Bear Family!!! Just a friendly reminder of the Great Bear Carnival tomorrow evening following the Pack Meeting. Location will be the Fellowhsip Hall. Please try to get to the Pack meeting a little early to get set-up. We will release the Bears early during the Pack meeting to finalize the preparation. Parents, please ensure your Scout stays with his game as he is responsible for running it. CHEAP CANDY for prizes. Uniform is Field (Class A). No hats as we will be in the church sanctuary for the Pack meeting.