Flag Retrieval
In case you missed the message from the Pack earlier this week, it is time for us to pick up flags.
If you are NOT able to pick up the same route you delivered, please let me know. Otherwise, I will assume you have it covered.
If you were not able to help deliver flags, but can assist during Pick Up, please let me know. There were several routes (pack-wide) that were not covered during deliveries.
Our routes are:
Route A1 – McElroy Road near Camp Tyler. 11 Flags with 11 Customers
Route A2 – Peninsula Road. 11 Flags with 10 Customers – Emily Russell already picked up
Route A3 – Acker Tap and North Whitehouse – 8 Flags with 7 Customers – Jacen Jones
Route A4 – Neighborhoods around the Ballpark – 8 Flags with 8 Customers
Route C4 – Hillcreek and Southpoint – 8 Flags with 8 Customers
All routes can be found at https://etacpack359.org/routes. You will notice there is now a button to create a ‘Printable' list. If you like to work from paper, this is your new best friend! Be sure to select your Route and print on Landscape.
** New Feature**
For those who did not know, every customer has a “Flag Profile” on our website. When you click on a name in a Route list, you will be taken to their profile. You have the ability to upload Installation pictures (might take a while to upload), add helpful tips for next time, and change the delivery status (Delivered, Stored, Needs Repaired)
Here is an example for you to see – https://etacpack359.org/all-flags/jason-beaton/ and here is a screenshot.

Please update the Status (this helps us know what routes have not been addressed) and don't forget to tip the pole over to empty the water out of it before putting it in your car.
Thank you for all your help!