FLAGS need to go out for Memorial Day this weekend + Reminder – no more scheduled Den Meetings!

Hey folks, all families responsible for flags need to get their flags out this weekend. The WUMC flag room will be open this Saturday from 8:30 – 10:30 for folks to pick up their flags and they want all flags out by this coming Monday, May 22nd so they are out a week in advance of Memorial Day.

I believe all the routes are correct online – be sure to take a peek to see if you have any new flags – Nicole might be able to help with that information.  Please let me know if your family might need some help getting your flags out by next Monday.  Someone could get you in to pick up flags tonight during Scouts as well.  Keep in mind how much the flag work is paying toward our Webelos camp!!!

Remember that we have finished our Den meetings for the year – we are still going to try to have a pool/water related get-together if the RAIN will ever STOP!! LOL

Enjoy your last days of school!!!