Last chance to sign up for “Mom & Me” mother & son camping trip AND CPR training

Hello Arrow Scout Families!

BIG thanks to Harrison's family for the snacks we will enjoy Tuesday AND to the parents who stayed to lend a hand with our “outdoor cooking” scouting refresher class. Donations of small bottles of water or snacks is much appreciated – Be aware that we have Scouts who are allergic to peanuts and strawberries, but this group does love their chips!  Scouts sometimes bring cupcakes to celebrate their birthdays with the den.  We always have a few “scouts in training” – scout siblings who don't have to be included in snack time but really appreciate it if possible.


Parents are always welcome to stay; new Scouts might appreciate your help getting acclimated to our large and fun-loving den.   Apologies for the first meeting running long, I wanted to be sure the scouts got to experience some fun outdoor skills for their first meeting.  We will be back on track time-wise with our next meeting – Tuesday, 6:30, Whitehouse United Methodist Church (WUMC), working on more Scouter skills.

I checked back with Scoutmaster Jason Beaton on a few details – the campout in Galveston is the boy's patrols in our Troop – the girls are camping on a different weekend.  I will have details on that at our next meeting.  If your scout wants to check out the Galveston campout, you are welcome to stay for the weekend – this is not required, just an opportunity if that weekend is free in your busy schedules.  You can send any Scout questions to, especially campout details!!!  FEEL FREE to email me with any Arrow of Light questions, concerns, or information I need to know about your Scout – my email is and my phone number for text messages is 903-574-3787.  During meetings I try to focus on the Scouts to be sure they are learning, having fun, and being safe. 


Mom & Me – Mom, Grandmother, or any parent campout is October 7th through Sunday October 8th at Camp Pirtle near Carthage
The registration deadline is TODAY – September 29th at 10pm!  Go to our website and click the Mom &  Me link to register.

Scouts and their adult will spend the day doing awesome activities such as BB, Archery, Canoeing, Rock Climbing Wall and so much more! This is an awesome opportunity to meet the other Moms/Guardians and scouts from our Pack as well as other area Packs! Meals are provided in the camp dining hall, and the scouts will receive a patch.

Check-in is at 8 am Sat. 10/8 at Camp Pirtle. If you are not able to camp overnight, you may go for just the day. Check-out is by 10 AM on Sunday.  The cost was $40 per person, but thanks to our flag sales, the Pack is subsidizing $20 per person!

Also today is the last day to sign up for the First Aid/CPR Certification course by UT Health at the church this Saturday. This is great training, FREE, and we need to have trained adults in the Pack.  There are still several spots available. Register now to get your spot for FREE!

Coming up  – Rose Parade, Saturday October 21st.