Meeting Tonight


I was having technical difficulty this weekend when trying to send out an update. The month of January is very important for our group. We are going to be wrapping up our time together!!! Parents stop blinking or they will all be eagles tomorrow. I have updated scout book. Please login and check that I have updated everything your child has done.

Tonight Mr. Bob is coming to go over the campout this weekend. We go out Saturday after lunch and after our fundraiser!!! The troop will provide dinner and breakfast on Sunday. You and your scout will need: tent, mess kit, camp cup, and normal nighttime items. Mr. Bob will go into details on this list and you must tell him if you and your scout are coming (they shop Wed for food). Campsite Loop Sumac Bend Sites 801, 802, 803, 804.

Also tonight we need to complete or discuss Building a Better World requirements 6 D and E. Also, Scouting Adventure Requirements 2, 6, 4.

The next few meetings will be doing the art elective but also start attending BSA scout meetings.

At home: Watch the Protect Yourself Video and Duty to God and you.

See everyone tonight.