Reminder!! Pinewood Derby Build Day is TOMORROW – Saturday, January 22nd

Pinewood Derby Build Day is this Saturday 1/22 at WUMC.

We will have the Official Pinewood Derby car kits available at Build Day for you to pick up if you didn't get one at the last Pack Meeting OR want to purchase another kit for a spare or for a sibling to build.  (You don't need to register just to pick up a car, but if your Scout wants to work on the car you pick up, you might want to register just in case)

You MUST register for a time slot online to participate (

If this is your first Pinewood Derby experience, I highly recommend you sign up and attend – and even if you are an experienced Pinewood Derby helper, you can pick up some good ideas and “tricks of the trade.”

I'm waiting on final updates from the Pack and WISD to determine meeting info for next week – stay tuned, and stay healthy!!