TIGERS will meet outside at the pavillion to start tomorrow evening!!

Hello to all DEN 4 Tiger Parents!! Tomorrow night is “Games Tigers Play” night for Den 4. As always, we want your scout with us, even if you forget your game or snack, so don't panic. WE missed some of YOU last week – hope to see everyone tomorrow so we can finish our DEN FLAG!
If you can, please come prepared:

1. Scouts should be practicing the Scout Oath and Scout Law to earn their Bobcat by the October Pack Meeting.

2. Scouts should arrive at our meeting ready to SHARE about a game they invented/played with your family. IF the game is portable, bring it so your scout can share how to play with others.

3. Scouts should BRING enough of a healthy snack to share with the rest of the Tigers (don't forget our “Tigers in Training” siblings) This can be an orange slice, tangerine segment, carrot or celery stick, whatever. (Nothing major, there are plenty of us to share) I will have a cold drink for everyone and ziplock bags for collecting their healthy snacks. The boys and girls will tell us why their snack was “Healthy” (or even why they “think”it's healthy, LOL)

Some still need to make their “mark” on our Den 4 flag – and I need to confirm who is who already on the flag!!! 🙂