Time to hike! Meet 2pm Hilton Garden Inn on Grande.

Happy New Year, Den 4!

While it looks a bit cloudy today, by 2pm tomorrow (Sunday, Jan 8) the sun will be shining and the Webelos are going to be hiking 3 miles on the Rose Rudman Trail in Tyler.


Drop off scouts TO ME at the Hilton Garden Inn off of Grande. Parents should drive to Southside Park off of Shiloh road for pick up, or park and walk south and meet up with the crew to walk with us. We will be walking to the park, hang out for a bit at the playground (drinks / restroom) proceed north on the trail over to Copeland and circle back to Southside for play/parent pick up. My cell is 903 574 3787 for folks needing to meet us on the trail!


I anticipate a 4pm pick up time for parents needing to do some back-to-school errands. I can transport Scouts if needed- call to arrange!!


I will have copies of the Outdoor Code and a bag for any teash we find to leave the trail better than we found it.  Tennis shoes and and class B – no need for full uniforms!


Parents – take a peek at your family activity calendars and let me know what practices, activities, and general craziness is going on in in your lives looking forward to this spring!


See everyone this Sunday!