Veterans’ Day Programs

Good morning, Pack 359 Family,

Cain, Higgins, and Brown Elementaries will be performing Veterans' Day Programs this week.  We have been asked to lead the flag ceremonies for the programs.  If your Scout wants to participate, have him wear his Field (Class A) uniform to the school on the appropriate day.  I don't recommend wearing the slide and neckerchief all day as it will be lost.  You can put it in a ziploc baggie in your Scout's backpack.  
Program Dates/Times:
Cain – Wednesday, November 8 at 8:30 am
Higgins – Thursday, November 9 at 1:30 pm
Brown – Friday, November 10 at 8:30 am
Sorry, Stanton-Smith. 
Your Scout must wear his Uniform to participate at the program.
Have a fantastic day!
Yours in Scouting, 
D. Jason Phillips