Scout Sunday is THIS SUNDAY!!!


  1. Sunday, March 5th: Scout Sunday⚜️
    • We will be celebrating Scout Sunday this Sunday at Whitehouse UMC. The purpose of Scout Sunday is to celebrate the anniversary of Scouting and to recognize our charter organization, Whitehouse UMC. It is a great opportunity to show the congregation the impact and importance of scouting, honor our Scouts and adult volunteers whose activities serve the community, and invite those in the congregation who would like to get involved to join as either Scouts or volunteers. We invite all Scouts and their families to join us at the 9:30 service this Sunday at UMC.
      • We ask Scouts to please be at the church by 9:20, wearing their full Class A uniform.
      • The Troop will be serving kolaches, donuts and water after the service. We invite you to stay and meet some of the congregation and Pastor Cameron, an Eagle Scout himself!