Author: Pack359

Class B t-shirts tonight

Hi, it’s me again! Scouts may wear their class B uniform (Scout T-Shirt) tonight. Also- I just volunteered our den to do a skit for next week’s pack meeting (you’re welcome;)). We’ll spend some time practicing for the skit this evening as well. Please remind your scout that we are working together, and it’s important to listen to instructions. 😉 Thank you parents! Lacey

Tonight- Baloo the Builder

Tonight we will be working on our first project for Baloo the Builder belt loop.  Please wear your class b (scout t-shirt) tonight.  Also, all scouts will need a parent (or older sibling) partner tonight to help with building their project. Spring schedules will be passed out tonight. We have lots of exciting events coming up this Spring! If you haven’t paid your $15 to Somer please do so tonight.  Venmo @Somer-Bockover See you all tonight!

Meeting Tonight

Howdy, Tonight is a mixed bag of finishing requirements: Art Elective: if you are 1 of the 3 working on this please have an update Duty to God: ALL need to bring an update Finishing Scouting Adventure: Bring your pocket knife as we will be going over rules Pinewood derby: if you have questions I will answer Yours in scouting, Kathy

2023 Pinewood Derby

This is Pinewood Derby Week!!! Both check-in and race day will be in Fellowship Hall at the back of the Whitehouse United Methodist Church. Please enter church through the back door only.   Pinewood Derby Check-in and Inspection – Friday, February 10th from 6pm-8pm. Weigh your car in and leave it there for races the next day. Must have your car registered on Friday night to race on Saturday. Register your cars prior to February 10th  online at before weigh-in. Your cars can be dropped off by another family as long as the cars are registered! Your scout does NOT have to be present at check-in.   Pinewood Derby Race Day – Saturday, February 11th from 8am until it ends. Races will take place…

Meeting info & IT’s PINEWOOD DERBY RACE WEEK – Check in FRIDAY at WUMC

OK Webelos Team – It’s been a crazy few days!! MANY of you are still working to put finishing touches on more than one Pinewood Derby car – plus we have Check-In on Friday, Races on Saturday, and Pack Meeting on Monday – LOTS going on, so we will not add to the craziness with a meeting this week BEFORE the races. NO DEN 4 meeting this week – see you at Check in, Race Day, and Pack Meeting on Monday. I have attached the “Basic First Aid guide” again (it was handed out as well.) PLEASE go over the guide with your scout so they will be prepared for next week – there will be prizes for knowing first aid facts/skills! Friday, February 10, …

Tiger-iffic Tonight!

Hey Tigers! Tonight we will work on our Tiger-iffic Elective. We’ll play a few card games (Uno, Go-Fish, etc.) and a Paper Plate Shuffle. Den Cheif Blake and I will likely need a couple more parents to help with this game ( Scouts will need to complete Requirement #1 at home – Play at least two different games by yourself; one may be a video game. See you all tonight!

Baloo the Builder TONIGHT

Bear den, Tonight we will be working on our first project for Baloo the Builder belt loop.  Please wear your class b (scout t-shirt) tonight.  Also, all scouts will need a parent (or older sibling) partner tonight to help with building their project.  If you haven’t paid your $15 to Somer please do so tonight.  Venmo @Somer-Bockover See you all tonight!