Author: Pack359

REMINDER – PACK MEETING begins at 6:00 pm, not 6:30!!!

Our Tigers will be in Class A uniforms but NO hats tomorrow night. We are receiving two advancements, plus we will have the very cool Emergency Responder (Fire/Police) presentation – which is why the Pack Meeting has been moved to 6:00 pm!! If you sold popcorn, plan to pick up your popcorn for delivery tomorrow night as well. I mentioned the Polar Bear patch for those of you who camped Friday night and earned it, but I don’t know if they were able to pick those up for the Pack.

Pack Meeting

Tomorrow’s pack meeting will start at 6:00. Lion shirt but NO hats! Please make sure you attend! After the meeting we will move across the street to the Jr High parking lot for our community helper portion of the pack meeting. This is a requirement we need to mark off to earn our Lion ranking so please make an effort to be present! It will be so much fun and lots for the kids to see! I look forward to seeing all my Lions! Kendra Nash

Flag Pickup Sunday

Howdy Pack! This Sunday we will be picking up our Flags from our customers. Pickup does not take near as long as Delivery does 🙂 We will meet at the church at 3:30 PM on THIS Sunday. Please register so that we can expedite the Route Assignment. Sign up to pick-up flags at PLUS each scout participating will earn 10 more BLUE points! Thank You for everything you do for your scout!

Veterans Day Programs Tomorrow

Good Evening Pack Family! Great Camp this weekend! 2 Quick things: 1 – No Meetings Tomorrow. Rest & Recover from Camp! 2 – Veterans Day Programs! Cain, Brown, & Stanton-Smith Scouts – Wear your uniforms tomorrow to school. Scouts can change out of their uniform AFTER the programs. We are performing Flag Ceremonies at each Program. SCOUTS MUST WEAR THEIR UNIFORM TO PARTICIPATE! Have a great evening!

Fall Family Camp

Howdy Campers, We can't wait to see many of you this weekend at Fall Family Camp. Below are the details for camp. Location: Pirkey Environmental Park near Hallsville, TX TIME: ENTRY INTO THE PARK BEFORE 9:00 PM (you cannot get in after 9:00 PM) Weather: It will be cold. Pack accordingly and bring fire wood!!!  Pack Provided Meals: Breakfast Saturday and dinner Sunday (You are on your own/den for lunch Saturday and breakfast Sunday)  If you have a mess kit please bring it.  A scout is thrifty and clean.  This helps us reduce our trash and save money. Win! Win! Drinks: Pack will have hot chocolate and water  Bring your own cup! Shirts/Forms: Kathy will be at the pavilion from 9:30-10:00 Saturday for you to pickup…