
Final Call – Troop Campout this weekend!

Final call to sign up for the campout this weekend with Troop 359. The campout will be in Whitehouse on Mr. Spakman’s land so it is very easy to get to. 9848 County Road 2710, Whitehouse TX 75791 Drop off begins at 10 am and Pickup will before Lunch on Sunday. If your scout is planning on attending, please confirm your spot with the form at Mr. Beaton will be on-site and you can reach out to him with any questions directly – (903) 530-9378

Troop 359 Campout this weekend!

Howdy Den 6!   We have been invited to camp Saturday and Sunday with Troop 359 here in Whitehouse. The camp is located at 9848 CR 2170 Whitehouse, TX 75791. This is Barbee Road, at the intersection of Loop 49 and HWY 110. Here is a Google Map and directions are attached   Arrival is Saturday morning between 10 am and 12 pm, however, if you have something going on, feel free to come out afterward.   We will return home around Noon on Sunday. These campouts are fantastic to attend and learn what a Troop is all about.   The only thing you need will be a Mess Kit (plate, spork, cup), sleeping gear, and appropriate clothes. Parents – Feel free to attend as…

Wolf Den Advancements and Housekeeping

Howdy Wolf Den, It was a bit windy outside but I was really impressed with how much the scouts remembered about the American flag from a week ago and we retired 4 flags last night. Below are a few things I need you and your scout to be working working” It is that time of year that I ask my den to complete Duty to God at home. I would like this requirement finished by January. Monday night pack meeting our den has been assigned France. Please work with your scout to find one fun scouting fact about France scout program. Katherine Forrest and I will work to have the food and flag to share. Scout Book. I have updated advancements. Please check to see…

Today’s meeting

Happy Monday!   We will be meeting at the EMS location behind the Whitehouse fire station at 6:00.  Please bring $2 for pizza.  We will be feeding the EMS and the kids.  Please be in Class A uniform.  If you have any questions please get with me 903-952-7234. See y’all there Ryan

Forms needed

Howdy Lion Den, We are in the process of recharter. That means we are putting together the paperwork to send National to be an active pack. We need copies of your YPT. Please email a PDF or them today to or bring a printed copy to your den leader tonight. Attached are steps on how to print your YPT. Yours In Scouting, Kathy Prince


Howdy Wolves, Looks like many of you attended the Christmas parade. Tonight please wear Class A uniform. We will be doing a flag retirement ceremony behind the church. We have 3 flags to retire. If you have any to add please bring. The cubs learned last week hold to fold them. Also don’t forget we are showing the Cub Scout motto in sign language. See attachment. Bring can goods for the pack/den service project. Regards, Kathy

Bring treats & small gifts for First Responder’s Thank-You Baskets tomorrow night

Hey Tiger Team, what a GREAT parade!  You scouts and scouter parents did an awesome job!! Monday, December 9th – 6:30 meet at the church with treats and small gifts – anything you’d like to give to our first responders who are working to keep us safe through the holidays.  Snacks of any kind are great, but keep in mind these folks probably need to eat healthy as part of their job! If we have enough we can take items to both the fire and police station.  We will make up the baskets and deliver them tomorrow night. If you are looking for an event to participate in with your Scout for your Duty to God award, you can leave the Police/Fire station and go…

Den Meeting, Monday 12/9/19

Happy Sunday, AOL Fam!  We have a guest speaker at our den meeting on Monday.  This a requirement for Building a Better World Adventure.  Please dress in Field (Class A) uniform.  I will also have information about a Troop 359 campout next weekend.  Sorry for the late notice.  Keep working on those requirements!  Yours in Scouting,

Monday Meetings

Howdy Pack 359, Whitehouse Christmas Parade was a success!  The trailer looked AMAZING thanks to Gigi and the Lion/Tiger parents! Lions: earlier and off site see den leader Tigers: discovery room Wolves: Outside Bears: third floor Webelos: off site see den leader AOL: Fellowship hall Don’t forget to bring canned goods for the food pantry.  Don’t miss your chance to pie Mr. Ryan in the face!  AOL den is currently in the lead. Also, be researching your country for International Scout night at the December Pack meeting. REMINDER: No meetings during holiday break. Yours in Scouting, Somer Bockover