
Den Meetings for 2/18/18 at 6:30 pm

Good morning, Pack 359 Family! I hope everyone had a great time at the Pinewood Derby! Meeting Locations: 1.  Lions – not meeting 2.  Tigers – not meeting 3.  Wolves – Discovery Room 4.  Bears – Pike Hall 5.  Webelos – Conner Hall 6.  AOL – please see den leader's separate communication ANNOUNCEMENT: Spring Break Trip is Saturday, 3/9 – Tuesday, 3/12, at Lake Eufaula in Oklahoma.  Cost is only $20 for the whole family.  Pack will provide dinner for Saturday and Sunday night.  Please register/pay online at  SPACE IS LIMITED.  We will have an informational meeting soon to cover the basics and and also turn in the C form for the health forms. Thanks for all you do! Yours in Scouting,  D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

Monday meeting

AOL parents we are not officially meeting this Monday, if any scout needs additional help I will be at the church at our regular time. I have not heard from anyone about “Duty to God in Action” or other requirements. Please let me know when your son has completed any requirement. Congratulatuions to all who participated in the Pinewood Derby. In all we had ten cars race.Finally we raised a little over $600.00 towards the boys awards. Thank you for all who participated. We would not have been as successful without your support. Thanks for all that you do, Den5 leader Bob Prince

No Meeting Monday, February 18th – Enjoy President’s Day!!!

I was SO PROUD of the LION Den for showing excellent sportsmanship and being so very patient while waiting to receive your medals Saturday. Your cars were awesome, ran fast, and you guys all looked outstanding in your Lion uniforms!!! Pack Meeting will be February 25th, I believe. See you then!! Keep practicing the SCOUT LAW – A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent!

Pinewood Derby Weekend!

Howdy, Pack 359 Family!!! I know everyone is getting tired of the emails, but we don’t want y’all to miss out on the FUN! Registration is TONIGHT, Friday, Feb. 15 from 6-8 PM at Pollard UMC in Tyler. Please make sure you have names picked out for your cars! Race Day, TOMORROW, Saturday, Feb. 16 starting at 9 AM sharp at Pollard UMC. We will start with Lions and continue onwards! I have attached the rules/regulations once again. UNIFORM: Field (Class A) See you Tonight! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster  2019 Pack 359 Pinewood Derby.docx  

Flag Help Needed Tonight!

Howdy, Pack 359! We need help tonight, Wednesday, 2/13/19, for flag service.  Please meet at the church tonight at 5:30pm with Ryan Bockover  to go over details.  Uniform is Field (Class A). We’ll show you what to do!!  Please come out and help support our Pack. Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

Spring Break Trip!!! Sign up now!!

Howdy, Pack 359 Family!!!! Nothing to do for Spring Break…we got ya covered!!!!  Cheap, fun, and family!!!! Now is the time to sign up for our Pack's Spring Break Trip.  We are heading to Lake Eufaula in Oklahoma, March 9-12.  Woot woot!!!  It's only 4 hrs away.  Address is 11563 State Hwy 150. Checotah, OK  74426 The cost for the whole family is $20 (non-refundable)!!  The Pack is going to cover dinner for Saturday and Sunday night, so less work for you.  We will have a planned elective activity scheduled during our trip.  Also, to keep our costs lower, we will be doing a service project for the park.  This will likely be completed on Sunday. To register and sign up, go to  Remember,…

Flag Help Needed Tomorrow, 2/13/19

Howdy, Pack 359 Family…..Please disregard last email.  Since it didn't contain anything. We need help tomorrow, Wednesday, 2/13/19, for flag service.  Please meet at the church tomorrow at 5:30pm with Ryan Bockover  to go over details.  Uniform is Field (Class A). We'll show you what to do!!  Please come out and help support our Pack. Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

LIONS will meet in the choir room on Feb. 11th – Pinewood Derby this weekend!

Howdy LIONS!! We will be talking about the importance of following the rules AND will be going on a dinosaur fossil dig!! Be thinking about what dinosaur is your favorite. Pinewood Derby is this weekend – be sure you follow all the rules! You must check-in your completed car on Friday, 2/15, between 6-8pm at Pollard UMC. There will be a pit crew there to help with any last minute adjustments. Pinewood Derby is Saturday, 2/16, starting at 9 AM at Pollard UMC in Tyler. We should be completed by lunch. The rules are strictly enforced. Wear your LION Uniform and neckerchief!!