
Reminder Flag Placement Today at 4:00pm

Hello Tiger Families, This is a reminder that we are meeting at the church at 4:00pm today for Veteran’s Day Flag Placement. Here is a link to routes for our den. Tiger Den Flag Routes . I will also have paper copies of your assigned routes if you prefer. I’ll assign routes based on how many people show up today. Thank you in advance for taking time out to help with this important fundraiser for our pack. The more families who show up to help, the quicker it will go for everyone. Thank you so much to those who have already put out flags this week. We really appreciate it! Cheers! Lacey

AOL Flag Routes

Howdy Folks! Flags can be delivered at any point this weekend. I know there will be a short training on Sunday at 3 PM if anyone wants to get started then. If you would like to pick up your flags from the Church before Sunday, please let me know so we can coordinate a time. Here are the flag routes still available for our Den: Route A1 – McElroy Road near Camp Tyler. 11 Flags with 11 Customers Route A2 – Peninsula Road. 11 Flags with 10 Customers Route A3 – Acker Tap and North Whitehouse – 8 Flags with 7 Customers – Jacen Jones Route A4 – Neighborhoods around the Ballpark – 8 Flags with 8 Customers Route C4 – Hillcreek and Southpoint – 8 Flags with 8 Customers All…

Flag Training

Hi Scouts! This Sunday at 3 the church will open for flags if you have an assigned route, also there will be a training on how to properly put out and pick up flags, as well as update the system for flags! If you have never helped with flags this would be very helpful for you to attend. The flag fundraiser is how we are able to do so many fun things and go to so many fun places! We need every scout to be involved in this process! We appreciate you and look forward to seeing you on Sunday! Kendra Nash

FLAG UPDATE – Three routes are spoken for, FOUR are left to be covered – please sign up, flags have to be out by this Sunday if not before!!!!!

Three of our Den 4 Flag routes have been spoken for.  WE need THREE or possibly FOUR Families to volunteer for one of the remaining routes.  We can double up to work together if all the routes are covered so each Scout gets a chance to do Flags. DEN 4 – ZONE 3 – THREE of our Flag Routes that have been spoken for: 3.  B4 Route – 9 Flags for Cumberland – Lupton Family 5. B6 Route – Saddleview, Greenwood, Graemont, and Brook Hollow – 8 flags  – Preuss & Lampin Families 6. B8 Route:  Joye Lane Neighborhood and Jamie Drive – off of Rhones Quarter road – 4 flags – Blackmon Family. ROUTES that need a Den 4 Scout Family B4 Route –…

FLAGS FLAGS FLAGS – Must be out by this weekend!

Den 4 Bears are responsible for the flags in Zone 3 – there are enough areas for SEVEN families to put out flags and more if you work in tandem!! When you log in to  you will see the link for  Den4/Zone 3 Zone 3 is made up 4 Flag Areas – B4, B5, B6, B8 B4 has 3 possible routes for 4 Scout Families: Windridge & Remington – 4 Flags (___________________ family) Canyon Springs – 6 Flags  (__________________ family) Cumberland – 9 flags – Luptons + another scout family _________________ – Patrick Lupton plans to go out Sunday afternoon and has offered to show where the flags are on all 3 of the B4 routes (1, 2, & 3) His phone is 903-952-1117…

Flag placement help Sunday

Webelos, This Sunday at 3:00 we will meet in the Whitehouse UMC parking lot where the bear carnival was and go over our important fundraiser – FLAGS. I will go over the process and assign new scouts to our routes. My plan is to group new families with returning families to help with the process. You can look at the map of all our placements and also see our specific routes. Our current scouts that have done the 3 routes are assigned below. They will be the lead and then we will add new scouts to help. The more we have show up the faster this goes. You must wear your Class A uniform. B1 – Mark B2 – Jack B3 – Kenzie Yours…

Family Camp REGISTRATION needed now!

All families planning to attend need to register at so we need to get a headcount and plan accordingly. Fall Family camp is a great way to relax and enjoy getting to know other families in the Pack. If you haven’t been, Camp Pirtle is nestled in a Pine Forest, right on the Eastern point of Lake Murvaul. If you and your scout love to fish, bring your poles and bait! (Scouts MUST be supervised lakeside) Many families may not be able to come out Friday night and will come out early Saturday morning to set up camp. Even if your schedule will not allow camping, feel free to come out for the day and enjoy the outdoors with us. If cooking outdoors isn’t your thing,…

Sign Up For Fall Family Camp!

Good Afternoon Pack! Our Fall Family Camp is next weekend, November 12th through 14th at Camp Pirtle near Carthage ( All families planning to attend need to register at so we need to get a headcount and plan accordingly. Fall Family camp is a great way to relax and enjoy getting to know other families in the Pack. Most Dens will have an activity or two planned, but there will also be family time so you may go on your own adventure. If you haven’t been, Camp Pirtle is nestled in a Pine Forest, right on the Eastern point of Lake Murvaul. If you and your scout love to fish, bring your poles and bait! (Scouts MUST be supervised lakeside) Many families may not…

Nature Journals, Flag Placement this Sunday

Hello Tiger Families! It was so fun to see everyone last night! I hope the kiddos had fun and learned a little bit. Please encourage your kids to use their journals to observe nature this week. They can share some of the things they saw with the group next Monday. Flag Placement: Please meet at the church on Sunday at 4:00 to come and learn how to place flags and to learn some of the routes for our den. Our den will be responsible for the same routes all year (and every year). We are hoping this makes placing and picking up flags more “stream-lined.” Thank-you so much in advance, and I’ll see you on Sunday at 4:00! If your scout has a uniform, please…