Den Communication

Communication specific for each den

Meeting Monday 10-23- to have one handy

Hi everybody, Great showing of boys at the Rose Parade. Twelve of twenty webelos participated. We are going to meet at 6:30 at the church. Have all boys Bring their exercise list/chart to finish the Stronger/Faster/Higher pin. I will need all boys to have paper, pencils/pens. We are going to talk about what a simple first aid kit should contain and why it is important (First Responder requirement 6; page.82 in Scout book). I plan on talking about our up coming 3 mile hike on Saturday October 28th and requirements for the Cast Iron Chef. Be prepared for a full scout meeting. Parents please bring all missing scout forms. Thanks always, Den5 leader Bob Prince

Monday’s Den Meeting, Oct 23

Hello, Bear Den Family!! 1. Remember, this Monday we will be completing and putting the finishing touches on our Carnival games for the Oct 30 Pack Meeting. Please come prepared!! No dangerous games and have a cheap candy/prize available. 2. Enter any completed requirements into I have to have things signed off by next Wednesday. Also, if you haven’t finished BOBCAT, I need to see you at Monday’s meeting! 3. I need to start getting a headcount for Fall Family Camp. Nov. 10-12 at Pirkey Environmental Park near Hallsville, TX. No cost other than Friday dinner, Saturday Lunch, and Sunday breakfast (plus snacks and drinks). The Pack will cover Saturday breakfast and dinner. All are invited. Scouts, parents, siblings, etc. Just need completed health…

Rose Parade

Yes our boys can be in the parade. We follow the same rules as the tigers. Our boys will ride in the trailer and need to be in their Class A shirt. A parent must walk in the parade. See Jason’s email for details on time and location.

Meeting 10-16-2017

Everybody, No official meeting this week. Scout shirts and popcorn sales end. I have a card that the boys need to sign as an appreciation to Mr. Demarcus Shaw from ETMC first responders. I have purchased some popcorn for him as well. See everyone around 6:30 at the church. Thanks, Bob Prince Den5

Family Camp

For our next go see we will meet up at family camp to do the outdoor exercise activity and hike. Once I know the fishing schedule for all the dens I will let you know the time to find me. We will fish and eat lunch with the older brother dens. I do have a skit for campfire for our boys. We will practice at family camp.

Tiger Parent Follow-up

Howdy Tiger Parents!! Several of you expressed you had trouble with YPT or Scoutbook.  Here’s a quick rundown of both SCOUTBOOK Website- (Made to use on a mobile device) You should have received an email from Jason Phillips via Scoutbook with an invitation to join.  If you did not receive one, or can’t find it, please let us know. Once you’ve logged in, go to your dashboard and find your scout. Any updates on advancements should be made in the Advancement section (see below). Youth Protection Training (YPT) Website- (I recommend using a Computer) YPT is required for every Adult in scouting.  Here is a document that walks through the process  How To YPT Bonus!! – Health Forms If you have not filled out your health forms yet, you MUST…

Second den meeting of the year

Tuesday, October 10 is our second den meeting of the year. Bethel Bible Church (front office) Near 304 Tx-110, Whitehouse, Tx at 6:30 Please bring: an item to make group trail mix (NO NUTS) and their activity book. We will discuss our go see for this month. It might be better to do it at family camp. Please read your parent guide to be ready to help during the meeting.

Tomorrow’s Den Meeting

Remember, we’re doing the Grin & Bear It Adventure. We will be leading a carnival at the Pack Meeting on October 30. So, as I said last week, we need to come up with games for the carnival. I will ask that 2 Scouts design a game to present and oversee at the carnival. This will include designing, building, etc etc etc. I will assign the Scouts at tomorrow’s meeting. Come with some cool ideas. No darts or games that could harm somone!!! We’ll also be working on Flag Ceremonies again. I need my new Scouts to come see me so we can sign off on BOBCAT requirements.

Monday Popcorn

We will be meeting at Jack Elementary tomorrow night at 6:15. Wear Field uniform (class A) and bring a clipboard if you have one. I will have forms for the boys as well as some popcorn in stock to sell.