Pack Communication

Communication for the Entire Pack

Den Meetings start Tonight!

Good Afternoon, Pack! Tonight will be our first official Den Meetings for the year! Our Den Leaders are excited to welcome our scouts back and begin working towards the next rank and new adventures. All den meetings begin at 6:30 PM. Here are the locations and which day each Den will meet: Lions (Kindergarten) – Discovery Room Tigers (1st Grade) – Pike Hall Wolves (2nd Grade) – Conner Hall Bears (3rd Grade ) – Conner Hall on Tuesday Webelos (4th Grade) – Friendship Hall Arrows (5th Grade) – Friendship Hall on Tuesday Just a quick reminder – Don’t forget to register on our Pack Website at See you all tonight!

Mom & Me Registration is LIVE!

It’s that time of year again, our first camping event, the 2023 Junell Smith Nichols Mom & Me camp, is coming up on October 7-8! The 2023 Junell Smith Nichols Mom & Me is an all-inclusive, Mom focused activity. Our goal is to give moms the opportunity to participate in outdoor activities and have some fun with their cub scouts. Activities include: BB Guns Archery Monkey Bridge Smokey the Bear Bouldering Climbing Motor Boating Canoeing Fishing Arts & Crafts Overnight Camping and the Chance to Make Memories! While this is geared toward moms, all parents or guardians are welcome. We love camping with our younger siblings, but this event is limited to BSA registered scouts only (if you are new to our pack this year,…

Flag pickup routes still available

Good evening! Hope everyone enjoyed this cooler week!! There are still 6 routes still needing help to be picked up. Please sign up on the Sign up genius link below. The church storage will be open at 8am so flags can be put inside the room on the brick wall. If you happen to notice a flag that needs repaired or bend pole then please leave those flags outside leaned up against the wall so they can be fixed. While picking up flags if you notice any locations that need to be redrilled, painted, etc. then please reached out to Derrick at 903-570-6183 thru text with the customer name, address if possible and what needs to be fixed at that house so we can get…

Flag pickup this weekend!!!

A reminder that flags need to be picked up this weekend. The link for signup is!/showSignUp/20F084EABAE2AA2F58-20231 We need as many volunteers as possible to help set out and pick up flags. Several families had to do 3 routes to make sure everything was covered. This is our primary fundraiser that helps pay for all the fun activities we do. Please help out if you can, many hands make light work.   Nicole Whittaker Pack 359 Committee Chair

See you at the Park!!

Hey Pack!! Tonight is our Ice Cream Social at the Whitehouse City Park, starting at 6:30 PM. Everyone is welcome to attend and enjoy Ice Cream and Popsicles with the Pack and Friends. This is the perfect event to bring a friend with your scouts. Families are encouraged to wear their Pack T-shirts rather than the full uniform. We will have our Parent meeting next Monday, September 18th and our regular Den Meetings will begin the week of September 25th. For the full list of events and dates, refer to our Pack Calendar at

Blackhawk Creek Hike and Bike Trails Pavilion Ribbon Cutting 9/30 at 9AM

I hope everyone had a good weekend!  The Whitehouse TX Parks and Recreation Foundation will have a ribbon cutting at the new pavilion located at the Blackhawk Creek Hike and Bike Trails at 1200 Patrick Drive in Whitehouse on 9/30 at 9am.  All scouts are invited to attend!  If attending, please wear class A uniform with jeans or scout shorts/pants.  Donuts and Coffee will be provided.  For more information you can call Chris Jennings at (903)-780-0845.

Flag Routes.

Just wanted to say thanks for everyone that has signed up to put out flags!! Y’all have done a great job!!! We currently have 2 more routes that are available. C2 Rosebrook D2 Richland Hills All routes are outside the church with the route sheets taped to them. The church is currently open, signs and stakes are inside. If there are any questions please reach out. thanks.

Need help with 13 More Routes

Good afternoon! I hope all of our scouts have enjoyed the start of school! Thank you to those who have signed up to deliver flags for Labor Day. We still have 13 routes that need to be covered. On average, routes are 8-12 flags and usually only take 60-90 minutes to deliver. You can sign up for a route at If we do not have enough volunteers, we may be forced to hire some help, reducing our overall budget for our yearly activities. If you have questions about how to deliver flags or the flag program in general, please reply to this email, and we’ll gladly answer your questions.

Labor Day flag delivery sign-up

Hello Scouting Families!   I hope everyone had a great first day back at school! In less than two weeks, on Saturday, August 26th, flags will need to go out for Labor Day and 9/11. We are approaching the process a bit differently this time around. Rather than zones based on your Scout’s Den number, we have put together a SignUp Genius with all Route numbers and Neighborhood names. We hope this will make it easier for more families to participate. Sign up will be on a first-come basis, so if you have a preference, please complete your signup ASAP using the link below:   Our flag subscription fundraiser pays for all of our Scout’s belt loops and awards, helps fund our campouts,…