Pack Communication

Communication for the Entire Pack

Happy New Year! 2021

Happy New Year! I hope this email finds you rested and ready for a new year. NO den meetings this week. We are starting the 2021 year off with our pinewood derby build day. Bring your pinewood derby cars (box with wood and nails in it) Saturday, January 9 and learn how to build your car. We will have all the tool, tips, and tricks to share. This year we are doing it a bit differently. In order to social distance we are asking each family to register for a time to attend build day. We ask for only the scout and parent who will assist in building to attend. REGISTER for a spot at build day! Upcoming Events: January 6th – Committee Meeting January…

Pinewood Derby Build Day Registration

Howdy Scouting Family, Please take the next two week to enjoy your friends and family. We will not be meeting as dens or pack. Now is a great time to work on your Duty to God. Our pinewood derby build day is fast approaching. It is Saturday, January 9 at the church. This year we are doing it a bit differently. In order to social distance we are asking each family to register for a time to attend build day. We ask for only the scout and parent who will assist in building to attend. REGISTER for a spot at build day! Merry Christmas.  

Den Meetings

Howdy Scouts, Who’s counting down to Christmas break?! This week is an exciting scouting week. Dens are meeting to close out 2020. This Monday you can come up to the church at 6:30 to pick-up your pinewood derby car or purchase extras for $4. Also, if you purchased pack t-shirts we have them ready for pick-up. Monday Den meeting: Lions – Side by side (bring you can goods) Tigers – Pike Hall Webelos – Friendship Tuesday Den meeting: Wolves Zoom! AOL – see den leader communication for time and zoom login Upcoming Events: January 9th – Pinewood Derby Build Day January 30th – Flag Party February 13th – Pack Pinewood Derby February 27th – District Pinewood Derby See many of you tomorrow!

Pinewood Derby Build Directions

What a fun Pack meeting. Bear Carnival was awesome! Many of you picked up your pinewood derby cars. Our build day is Saturday, January 9. We will have registration for time slots later this month. BUT many of you asked for the rules. Come to build day and we can walk you through but until then you can view and print the rules: PACK 359 PINEWOOD DERBY RULES Did you miss tonight or would you like to purchase an extra car or two? Come Monday, December 14 at 6:30 to purchase an extra car!  

Pack Meeting and Bear Carnival Tomorrow!

Howdy Pack 359! Tomorrow Night will be our final Pack Meeting in the year 2020! We will be seating as families again, just like the last Pack Meeting. Scouts will receive their Pinewood Derby Cars, so everyone has plenty of time before Race Day on February 13th. There is a rumor floating around that Bubba Earle might be stopping by for a visit… You won’t want to miss it! At the end of the Pack Meeting, the Bear Den will hold their annual Carnival outside. Please dress appropriately 🙂 Upcoming Events: January 9th – Pinewood Derby Build Day January 30th – Flag Party February 13th – Pack Pinewood Derby February 27th – District Pinewood Derby See you all tomorrow!

Meetings and Pack News

Howdy Pack family, I hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving break. We are in our final month of 2020 scouting! Please get with your den leaders over advancements you might have missed. Pack Dates: November/December Pack meeting:  Monday Dec 7 at 6:30 – Bear Carnival, t-shirts handed out and pinewood derby cars! Whitehouse Christmas parade: As a pack we are NOT participating in order to stay social distanced. Our Wolf Den will be representing our pack during the parade. Wolf den please get with Gigi if you have questions. Den Dates: AOLS: Meeting this Monday at 6:30. All other dens are not meeting this week. This is a good time to work on your Duty to God. Yours in Scouting. Kathy  

Gobble Gobble – Pack News DATE CHANGE

Gobble Gobble, YAY! We made it to Thanksgiving week. During this thankful week our dens will not meet. Take this time to be your family, safely. All den meetings are canceled. Please get with your den leader for any activities you should be working on at home. DATE CHANGE: The November pack meeting will now be the November/December pack meeting and is on Monday, December 7. Please update your calendars. The bears will run their bear carnival, t-shirt pick-up and pinewood derby car pick-up!!! We are also hoping to get our energetic Den Leader Jason Beaton to lead a song or two. Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving,

Flag Pickup Tonight!

Howdy Pack! A quick reminder about Den Meetings tonight – We are picking up the flags from our customer’s homes at 6:30 PM. There are about 25 routes that need to be assigned. Please sign up at Thank you 🙂

Monday Flag Pick up

Howdy Pack 359, We had a great, relaxing family campout this weekend!  There will not be any den meetings tomorrow but we will be picking up the flags from Veteran’s Day starting at 6:30.   Please go to the link to sign up.  Many hands make light work. Somer Bockover Cubmaster

Family Camp Schedule and Packing List

Howdy Campers, Important camping information. Please review each document and reply to this email if your family is in need of borrowing a tent. Also, we are still missing some health forms and YPT. Please bring them to camp. Packing List Map of George W. Pirtle Scout Reservation near Carthage (attached). The address is 440 C R 1241, Carthage, TX 75633. Full Schedule  Overview of Saturday (Friday and Sunday are listed in the full schedule link) 7:00-8:00am Breakfast food prep and cooking – AOL/Tigers 8:00am Breakfast 8:30-9:30am Breakfast Clean-up – Webelos/Lions 9:30-10:30am Den Time 12:00-1:00pm Lunch with your family or Den 3:00-4:00pm Den Time 4:00-5:00pm Food prep and cooking – Bears 5:00pm Dinner 6:30pm Dinner Clean-up – Wolves 6:00pm Woodbadge Beading (optional) 7:00pm Campfire (All…