Pack Communication

Communication for the Entire Pack

Flag pick-up tonight:: Earn 10 Blue points

Howdy Pack, Our flag committee is really needing help tonight. We have spots available for flag pick-up. We will be meeting at the Whitehouse UMC at 6:00 pm to go collect those flags. Uniform is Field (Class A).  Please sign up for a route at (LIONS and TIGERS – You are excluded from this). You will receive 10 Blue Points for helping! Yours In Scouting, Kathy Prince CC

Awesome First Week!

Howdy, Pack 359 Family! Wow! We had an AMAZING First Meeting night! Thank you for bearing with us through the first few weeks of excitement. A couple of quick notes (New Parents might have already completed the forms) – 1. Registration Fees – Our annual registration with the BSA. The cost is $30 per Scout for new Scouts and $50 per Scout for returning Scouts. You must register and pay online at Your Scout’s points will not be visible until you register. If you need to make other arrangements, please speak with your Den Leader 2. Health Forms – We need these completed and turned in for all Scouts and any family member planning to participate this year. Copy of your medical insurance needs…

1st Den Meetings

Howdy Pack 359,  I hope you are excited to start the new scout year, I know I am!  Tomorrow will be our first den meetings of the year 6:30-7:30 at Whitehouse United Methodist Church.  We will not have a Pack meeting this month, only den meetings since we are starting so late.  Please wear class A uniform and check in with your den leader as this will be a blue point opportunity. Room assignments are as follows: Lions: Pike Hall Tigers: Discovery room Wolves: Connor Hall Bears: 1st half side-by-side room, 2nd half with Webelos Webelos: Fellowship hall AOL: Sanctuary Can't wait to see you there!

Ice Cream Social

Howdy Pack 359,  Tonight is our ice cream social and we need your help!  This is an opportunity to earn blue level points and possibly earn the recruiter patch.  The fun starts at 6:30 but we need you there at 6:15 to help set up.  Leaders need to wear field uniform (Class A) and cubs need to be in class B (any pack t-shirt will do). If you are not a leader and just want to help out please wear a pack t-shirt, we need people to serve. Can't wait to see you there!

Popcorn spots open this weekend!!!

Howdy Pack! We have our show-n-sell spots ready for you to fill up for this weekend!! Earn your gold points this weekend.   Saturday – Brookshires in Flint 1:00-2:00 2:00-3:00 3:00-4:00 4:00-5:00 Sunday – Brookshires in Flint 11:00-12:00 12:00-1:00 1:00-2:00 Sunday – Lowes 10:00-11:00 2:00-3:00 4:00-5:00 Yours In Scouting,Kathy

POPCORN spots open

Howdy Pack! We have our show-n-sell spots ready for you to fill up for this weekend!! Council is East Texas Area CouncilOur District is Wo-Ha-LiOur Unit is PACK 359 You can also login on a computer to sign-up for a shift will need the app during the show-n-sells to help track inventory. A parent or guardian must stay with their scout during the show-n-sell.  *Lions are not required to sell. Please note they are welcome to wear their uniform and support their sibling.  Yours In Scouting,Kathy

YOU can help with this!!! (New Member Coordinator and Uniform Closet)

Howdy, Pack 359 Family!!!!   Our new Scouting year is about to start, and we need your help.  I have a couple of awesome opportunities for you, as adults.  And, the time commitment is NOTHING!! 1.  New Member Coordinator – You all remember how lost your were when Scouts came into your life.  What the heck is this uniform, what language are they speaking, SCOUTBOOK, campouts…….so much information overload.  We are making a new position with the Pack, the New Member Coordinator.  This person is the GO TO person for all those confused new and current parents.  Answer questions, give reassurance……And, you don't have to wear the lovely khaki shirt.   If you complete your training, I, Jason Phillips, will personally pay for your awesome RED polo…