Pack Communication

Communication for the Entire Pack

Blue & Gold!!

Hello, Pack 359 Family!! Blue & Gold Banquet is tomorrow, Saturday, April 14 at the Army Reserve Center, 13592 State Hwy 31 W, Tyler, TX 75709. Uniform: Field (Class A) Time: Check-in begins at 5 pm with dinner/program to start 5:30 – 6:00 pm. If you have not paid online, you will be able to pay in person at check-in. See you tomorrow! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

Den Meetings, Monday, 4/9/18

Hello, Pack 359 Family! Here are the room assignments for tomorrow's den meeting at 6:30 pm. Tigers – Discovery Room Wolves – Pike Hall Bears – Fellowship Hall Webelos – off site.  Please see separate Den Leader email regarding time/place. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1.  Blue & Gold – Saturday, April 14 at Army Reserve Center, 13592 State Hwy 31 W, Tyler, TX 75709.  Dinner starts at 5 pm with the program to follow.  Please register online at so we can get an accurate headcount.  The Pack will cover the cost of the Scout.  Extra tickets are $5/person.  You can pay securely online.  Uniform is Field (Class A). Make sure you are getting requirements done and updated into Scoutbook.  We have to pick up awards this week!!! 2. Day Camp – June 18-22.  You…

Important Announcements

Happy Friday, Pack 359 Family!! Blue & Gold – Saturday, April.  Please go to to register and pay.  We need as accurate a headcount as possible for catering purposes. Day Camp – June 18 -22.  Please go to to PRE-register.  Payment not required at this time.  We will likely try to prorate this cost for you so please do not pay anything yet. Have a great weekend! Yours in Scouting,  D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

Den Meetings for Monday, April 2 and Blue and Gold Update

Hello, Pack 359 Family! Here are room assignments for Monday's Den Meetings: Tigers – not meeting Wolves – Discovery Room Bears – Fellowship Hall Webelos – Pike Hall Please ensure you are getting with your Den Leader to complete any last minute rank requirements prior to Blue & Gold. Blue & Gold Banquet – Saturday, April 14 at 5 PM (dinner) with program to start at 6 PM.   Location: Army Reserve Center, 13592 State Hwy 31 W, Tyler, TX 75709.   Uniform:  Field (Class A) Costs:  The pack is covering the cost for each Scout.  Family members and friends will be $5 to help cover costs.  We are asking that you register all attendees and pay online at  You may pay securely by credit card through PayPal. Thanks for…

Den Meetings for Monday, March 26

Happy Sunday, Pack 359 Family! Well, the Arrow of Light Crossover was a great success.  Congrats to all that crossed over!! Here are the meeting locations for Den Meetings on Monday at 6:30 pm: Tigers – Discovery Room Wolves – Fellowship Hall Bears – Whitehouse Baseball Fields (community service project) Webelos– Pike Hall Upcoming Events: 1.  Blue & Gold Banquet – Saturday, April 14.  Please be on the lookout for detailed email.  There will be a small out of pocket expense for families to help cover costs.  Please ensure you are working with your Den Leader to complete your rank requirements.  This needs to be done ASAP so your Scout can be awarded his rank at B&G. 2. Spring Family Camp – May 18-20 at Pirkey Environmental Park.  Laid back…

Texas Rangers Scout Weekend

Hello, Pack 359 Family!! I have attached the informational flyer for the Texas Rangers Scout Weekend at the ball park.  It is slated for April 20-22. However, the best day to go is Sunday, April 22.  If you arrive 2 hours prior to start of the game, you can walk the field. (As long as your Scout is in official Field uniform) This is an OPTIONAL event.  The Pack will not pay for you to go.  You are in charge of registering, paying, transportation, etc. It really is a FUN time especially if you get with a group of people! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster ​  BSA Weekend.pdf ​

Pack 359 “2018 Blue & Gold Banquet” Photo Album

  Cub Scout Pack 359: Hello, Pack 359 Family!! We need your pictures for our B&G slideshow. Please add your best pictures to the album in the link. Thanks!  2018 Blue & Gold Banquet     View album You received this mail because Cub Scout Pack 359 shared these photos with you. If you no longer wish to receive email notifications of shared photos, unsubscribe here. Get the Google Photos app Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy Mountain View, CA 94043 USA