Pack Communication

Communication for the Entire Pack

Den Meeting Locations, 1/8/18

Hello, Pack 359 Family! Time for meetings to start back up. Here are the room assignments for Monday, 1/8/18 at 6:30 pm. Tigers – Side by Side classroom Wolves – Discovery Room Bears – Fellowship Hall Webelos – Pike Hall AOL – Youth Room We will have PWD cars available for pick-up and purchase ($4) in Pike Hall. See you tomorrow! Yours in Scouting,  D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

Meetings and the Spring Line-up

Hello, Pack 359 Family, I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!! I hope you’re putting the kids to work at home while they’re on break. Den meetings will resume Monday, January 8 at 6:30 pm at the church. We only have 3 available Den meetings until the Pack meeting at the end of January Here is the line-up for Spring: PWD Build Day – Saturday, January 13 from 9 am to 2 pm in the Fellowship Hall at the church. This is an excellent way to get a head start on your PWD cars. We will have stations for sawing, drilling, sanding, filing, etc. Please see attachment. University of Scouting – Saturday, January 27 at the Palestine Junior High. A full day of Scouting…

Pack Meeting Monday 12/18/17

Hello, Pack 359 Family, Monday is our last Pack Meeting of 2017!  6:30 pm in the church sanctuary.  Uniform is Field (Class A).  No hats in the sanctuary. This meeting will be special as we will have the Wood Badge beading ceremony for some our awesome adult leaders.  Also, POPCORN prizes are here!  Come get your reward for working so hard this fall selling popcorn. You will also be able to pick up PWD cars.  The Pack is providing a car for each Scout.  Additional cars are available for purchase at cost ($4). This will be our last meeting of the year.  We will resume meetings in January after school starts. Thanks for all you do! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips  Cubmaster 

Cub Scout Pack 359 shared “2018 Pinewood Derby” with you

Hi there, Cub Scout Pack 359 ( invited you to view the folder “2018 Pinewood Derby” on Dropbox. Cub Scout said:“2018 Pinewood Derby info.” Go to folder Enjoy!The Dropbox team Cub Scout and others will be able to see when you view files in this folder. Other files shared with you through Dropbox may also show this info. Learn more in our help center. © 2017 Dropbox

Den Meetings for Monday, December 11

Howdy, Pack 359 Family, Here are the meeting room assignments for Monday's meetings at 6:30 pm. Tigers – Discovery Room Wolves – Pike Hall Bears – Fellowship Hall Webelos – outside AOL – Side by side classroom We will have Pinewood Derby cars available starting tomorrow.  Each Scout will receive one car, courtesy of the Pack.  Any additional cars will be at cost, $4. Thanks for everything! Yours in Scouting,  D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

Den Meetings for Monday, December 4

Hello, Pack 359 Family!!! Well, the Christmas parade and Holiday in the Park were a success.  Thanks to all who participated.   Here are tomorrow's room assignments: Tigers – meeting at the Whitehouse Fire Dept @ 6PM Wolves – Pike Hall Bears – Fellowship Hall Webelos – Discovery Room Arrow of Light – Side by Side room Tigers are the only den meeting early.  Remainder of den meetings at 6:30pm. Please remember that no one is allowed upstairs, and keep an eye on your Scout. Friendly reminders: 1.  Pinewood Derby – Build Day will be Saturday, January 13 in Pike Hall at the church.  The Pack will provide one derby car for each Scout.  Additonal cars will be available for purchase at cost ($4).  Pinewood Derby Race Day is Saturday, February 17…

Whitehouse Christmas Parade

Good afternoon, Pack 359 Family!!! The Whitehouse Christmas Parade is tomorrow, Saturday, Dec 2.  Step-off is 10 am.  All participants should be at the starting line no later than 9 AM.  You must enter Stanton-Smith Elementary from 346/Main Street.  Remember, uniform is Field (Class A).   We will have the older Scouts lead with the flags, much like the Tyler Rose Parade. You are able to pass out candy, but CANNOT throw it.  So, bring candy, if desired. Parents are encouraged to wear the blue activity Pack shirt.  Tiger Parents must walk alongside the trailer. Thank you for all the volunteers that signed up for Holiday in the Park.  We will be conducting an archery booth as well as information booth.  We are also approved…

Pack Meeting, Monday, 11/27/17

Hello, Pack 359 Family!! I hope everyone has had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. But, back to school time now. Tomorrow’s meeting is a PACK meeting to be held in the church sanctuary at 6:30 pm. Uniform is Field (Class A). Please, NO hats in the sanctuary. Reminder: Popcorn – if you weren’t able to pick up popcorn last week, we will have it available at the meeting. Also, please be sure to select a prize. Whitehouse Christmas Parade/Holiday in the Park – this coming Saturday, Dec 2. The parade starts at 9AM. Uniform is Field (Class A). Tigers are responsible for decorating the trailer that they MUST ride in. After the parade, we will have a booth in the park with an archery game and…

Upcoming Meetings!

Hello, Pack 359 Family! Here are the upcoming reminders for the next couple of meetings. Monday, November 20 – no official meetings, but we will be at the Church beginning at 6:30 pm for take-order popcorn pickup. We’ll be there for at least an hour so don’t think you need to arrive at 6:30 sharp! Prize Selection – please click this link ( to select prizes for your Scout’s popcorn effort. Double check your Scout’s total popcorn here – Checked Out Popcorn – if you checked out any popcorn to sell, please bring it Monday with money received. Fall Family Camp – please see click this survey link regarding Fall Family Camp. Please complete this as it helps us improve in years to come. Monday,…


Hello, Pack 359 Family!! Well, Family Camp was a success.  Thanks for everyone that came out for the fun!  A BIG thank you to all the volunteers/helpers that assisted with the cooking and clean-up.  Thanks especially to our Quartermaster, Ryan Bockover, for leading the way with the meals and prep.  Be sure to pat him on the back the next time you see him. Since I'm tired, and you're tired……we will not have meetings tomorrow, Monday, November 13.  Have a good night off. Also, the next Monday, November 20, will be popcorn pick-up and prize selection (NO OFFICIAL MEETINGS since school is out for Thanksgiving).   Have a great rest of your Sunday! Yours in Scouting,  D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster