Author: Pack359

Webelos Meeting Tomorrow!

Howdy, we will be meeting in the fellowship hall Monday evening at 6:30 pm. Uniform is Field (Class A). We will be starting the Cast Iron Chef required adventure tomorrow. Please look at the requirements for tomorrow’s meeting. We will divide into pairs or more. The groups will decide on meal/menu to be prepared over fire at Fall Family Camp. Each group must also set a budget for their meal as we will be going to Brookshires (at a later meeting) as a Den to purchase your needed ingredients for the meal. At the October 8 meeting, we will learn how to start a fire properly so we can hopefully enjoy our meals at Family Camp. That is all for now. Thanks for all you…

Den Meetings, Monday, October 1 @ 6:30 pm

Good evening, Pack 359 Family!! Here are the room assignments for tomorrow’s Den Meetings at Whitehouse UMC: 1.  Tigers (Den 3) – Discovery Room 2.  Wolves (Den 2) – Side by Side Room 3.  Bears (Den 7) – Outside Pavilion.  The Bears are starting their meeting at 6PM! 4.  Webelos (Den 6) – Fellowship Hall 5. Arrow of Light (Den 5) – Pike Hall Uniform for meetings is Field (Class A) unless specified otherwise by your Den Leader. Please remember that the Church graciously allows us to use their facilities.  Please ensure Scouts are not running or shouting.  Upstairs area is OFF LIMITS.   Don’t forget to turn in health forms, YPT certficates, etc to Assistant Cubmaster, Kim Bryant.   See you tomorrow! Your in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

LION DEN MEETING MONDAY, OCT.1 6:30 AT Whitehouse Methodist Church

HOWDY LION DEN CUBS AND PARENTS!! My name is Gigi Delk – Jason Beaton is my son, and Lion Cub Ayden Beaton is my grandson. I am SO excited to get the chance to enjoy Cub Scouts again!!! I have four sons and two stepsons, and they all went through Cub Scouts, with five of the six continuing on to be Eagle Scouts. I’m Woodbadge trained (SR-281) and have been a Den Leader, Committee Chair, Merit Badge Counselor, District Committee member and have served on numerous Eagle Boards of Review, so I’ve been there and done that, so to speak! Cub Scouting is where it all begins, and where you will get a chance to enjoy learning and exploring together with your scout. We are…

Rocket Engines Help

Happy Friday, Pack 359! We are shooting off our rockets this Monday.  We will likely be meeting at Camp Tyler for this.  Be on the lookout for a detailed email later this weekend. But, we need your help.  If you took a rocket home to finish, please look at the instructions to see which engine or engines it uses. Go to to let us know so we can have the engines available on Monday. Thanks, and have a great weekend! Yours in Scouting,  D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

First Den Meetings Tomorrow!!

Good evening, Pack 359 Family! Tomorrow is our 1st official Den meetings of the new year.  Meetings start at 6:30 pm at Whitehouse UMC.  The 1st 2 meetings will be dedicated to building and firing off rockets.  Your Den Leader will also discuss important items involving the upcoming year.   New parents, if you are still interested in joining, please come tomorrow night.  It's never too late. We still need these items for a majority of families: 1.  Health Forms – We need these completed and turned in for all Scouts and any family member planning to participate this year.  Copy of your medical insurance needs to attached.  If we can get them all turned in at the beginning of the year for EVERYONE, it will limit the…

A Few Slots Are Left….

Hello, Pack 359 Family! We have sales at Super 1 next to Academy and at Lowe’s this weekend.  This is weekend #4 of 5 for the year. Saturday if full! There are 5 slots left for Sunday: (1) 11a, (2) 1p’s & (2) 3p’s Remember, all signups and sales will be made through the Trails End App this year. This includes Credit Cards AND Cash! You must have the app downloaded and installed. You can download it to your device here – Bring the device with you to the Show N Sell! Be sure to have your account created and associated with PACK 359. You might need to register on a computer first at then sign into the app. **Brothers must have their own…

Monday, Sept 10 Meeting is for the Parents!

Howdy, Pack 359 Family! It’s time to get back in the swing of all things regarding Scouting.  However, our 1st meeting this Monday at 6:30 pm will be for the parents. Why???  To take care of administrative issues. 1.  Health Forms – We need these completed and turned in for all Scouts and any family member planning to participate this year.  Copy of your medical insurance needs to attached.  If we can get them all turned in at the beginning of the year for EVERYONE, it will limit the number of times you have to print it out during the year.  We will carry the health forms to all Pack related activities.  I have attached the health forms.  Save it to your computer. 2.  Recharter Fees – Our annual registration…

Popcorn Sales This Weekend

Hello! We have sales at Super 1 next to Academy and at Lowe’s this weekend.  This is weekend #2 of only 5 for the year. We have 4 slots left for Saturday:  1p and (3) 3p’s There are 8 slots left for Sunday: (3) 11a’s, (3) 1p’s & (2) 3p’s Remember, all signups and sales will be made through the Trails End App this year. This includes Credit Cards AND Cash! You must have the app downloaded and installed. You can download it to your device here – Bring the device with you to the Show N Sell! Be sure to have your account created and associated with PACK 359. You might need to register on a computer first at then sign into the…