Den Meetings, Monday, October 1 @ 6:30 pm
Good evening, Pack 359 Family!! Here are the room assignments for tomorrow’s Den Meetings at Whitehouse UMC: 1. Tigers (Den 3) – Discovery Room 2. Wolves (Den 2) – Side by Side Room 3. Bears (Den 7) – Outside Pavilion. The Bears are starting their meeting at 6PM! 4. Webelos (Den 6) – Fellowship Hall 5. Arrow of Light (Den 5) – Pike Hall Uniform for meetings is Field (Class A) unless specified otherwise by your Den Leader. Please remember that the Church graciously allows us to use their facilities. Please ensure Scouts are not running or shouting. Upstairs area is OFF LIMITS. Don’t forget to turn in health forms, YPT certficates, etc to Assistant Cubmaster, Kim Bryant. See you tomorrow! Your in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster