Pack Communication

Communication for the Entire Pack

Den Meetings, Monday, October 9

Hello, Pack 359 Family!! Here is some helful information and den meeting locations for tomorrow. Couple of reminders: 1.  Popcorn – Take home order sheets are due Monday, October 16.  Please remember to sign up for show and sells. 2.  Tyler Rose Parade – Saturday, October 21.  More information to follow. 3.  Cowboys Overnighter – Friday, November 3.  You must sign up online at  Registration and payment is due Monday, October 16. Here are the room assignments for tomorrow's meeting: 1.  Tiger– Discovery Room 2.  Wolves – outside meeting to sell popcorn.  Please see your den leader's separate email 3.  Bears – Pike Hall 4.  Webelos – meeting at ETMC.  Please see den leader's separate email. 5.  Arrow of Light – Fellowship Hall IMPORTANT:  Next week's meeting, Monday, October 16 will be for…

Monday Meeting Information

Hello, Pack 359 Family!  I hope everyone had a great weekend! Couple of reminders: 1.  Popcorn – Take home order sheets are due Monday, October 16.  Please remember to sign up for show and sells.  We're on the homeward stretch!!! 2.  Tyler Rose Parade – Saturday, October 21.  More information to follow. 3.  Cowboys Overnighter – Friday, November 3.  You must sign up online at Here are the room assignments for tomorrow's meeting: 1.  Tiger/Arrow of Light – Fellowship Hall 2.  Wolves – meeting at Whitehouse Park 3.  Bears – Pike Hall 4.  Webelos – meeting at the ROC.  Please see den leader's separate email. Thanks for all you do! Yours in Scouting,  D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

Cowboys Overnighter!!! Part 2

Because I didn’t have any signer uppers, I am resending this email. Thanks, DJP Hello, Pack 359 Family!!! Well, the 1st Pack Meeting is in the books!!! Here is the information regarding the Cowboys Overnighter on Friday, November 3.  Check-in is at 7pm.  Check-out is at 8am. You MUST register online at  You can pay securely online or by check/cash/card no later than Monday, October 16. 1.  The Pack is taking $20 off the price for ALL Scouts and ONE adult.  Original price is $55 per person.  We are only charging you $35!  Any additional adults/siblings/etc will be at regular price ($55). 2.  There is an optional Pep Rally on Saturday morning for $12/participant.  This is an added cost, but you don’t have to attend!!!  The…

Popcorn Show N Sells – Week 8

Howdy Pack 359 Family!!   This weekend we will be at Lowe’s and Super 1 (S. Broadway, next to Academy Sports) for our Show N Sell from 9a-5p both Saturday and Sunday.   For all of our new Scouts, Here’s the rundown: We operate in 2-hour shifts and an adult must be present with the scout during the shift. Scouts must be wearing their Field Uniform (Class A). For the first few weekends, we will try our best to pair new scouts with experienced scouts. 2 Scouts per shift. We take the total amount sold during the weekend (all locations) and divide it between the scouts. We keep a record of this and will update you periodically. Typically a scout will earn between $150 – $200 per…

Cowboys Overnighter!!!

Hello, Pack 359 Family!!! Well, the 1st Pack Meeting is in the books!!! Here is the information regarding the Cowboys Overnighter on Friday, November 3.  Check-in is at 7pm.  Check-out is at 8am. You MUST register online at  You can pay securely online or by check/cash/card no later than Monday, October 16. 1.  The Pack is taking $20 off the price for ALL Scouts and ONE adult.  Original price is $55 per person.  We are only charging you $35!  Any additional adults/siblings/etc will be at regular price ($55). 2.  There is an optional Pep Rally on Saturday morning for $12/participant.  This is an added cost, but you don’t have to attend!!!  The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders will be there along with opportunites for autographs! 3.  They will…

1st Pack Meeting, Monday, September 25

Hello, Pack 359 Family, Tomorrow evening at 6:30 pm is our first Pack meeting of the year!  It will be held in the church sanctuary.  Uniform is Field (Class A).  No hats please as we are in the the church sanctuary! Scouts will seat in the front.  Pews will be marked.  We ask that the Tiger parents sit in the pew behind their Scouts. Please remind your Scout that we will be in the church and to behave respectfully. We will be set up in the back afterwards to collect payment for recharter and shirts.   Thanks for all you do!! Yours in Scouting, D. Jason Phillips Cubmaster

Popcorn Show N Sells – Week 7

Howdy Pack 359 Family!! This weekend we will be at Lowe's for our Show N Sell from 9a-5p both Saturday and Sunday. For all of our new Scouts, Here's the rundown: We operate in 2-hour shifts and an adult must be present with the scout during the shift. Scouts must be wearing their Field Uniform (Class A). For the first few weekends, we will try our best to pair new scouts with experienced scouts. 2 Scouts per shift. We take the total amount sold during the weekend (all locations) and divide it between the scouts. We keep a record of this and will update you periodically. Typically a scout will earn between $150 – $200 per 2-hour shift. Show N Sell totals are added to…