Retired Communications

Communication specific for each den

COVID protocols – NO meetings this week!!

Bear Families – Thank you to all who have texted, sent cards, or emailed condolences for my brother’s passing.  You are all truly the BEST CUB SCOUT DEN EVER!!! We are taking appropriate actions to help Whitehouse ISD and other schools keep our students and scouts safe – there will be NO Cub Scout meetings this week – Bear Den 4 will NOT meet Tuesday, January 18th. IF you did not pick up your Pinewood Derby Car (The Pack covered the cost for one per scout) Cubmaster Baker said they would be at the church to pick up and/or purchase extras on BUILD DAY – Saturday 1/22 at WUMC.  You MUST register for a time slot online to participate ( If this is your first…


Hello Den 4!!  I am still in North Carolina closing up my brother’s affairs – we hope to be able to head toward home tomorrow. Tonight’s PACK MEETING will have some important information about PINEWOOD DERBY!! If you have questions, seek out Jason Beaton, Ayden’s dad.  The “Build Day” is a great way to get your car(s) cut and they will share some tricks and techniques to increase your car’s speed as well.  Here’s the information: PACK MEETING TONIGHT! We’ll be in the Sanctuary at 6:30 PM. Remember, no hats in the sanctuary, please. Our first big event of 2022 is Pinewood Derby!!! Scouts will receive their cars and the official rules at the Pack meeting. There is no cost for the scout cars. If…

Happy 2022 to Den 4 BEAR Scouts and families!!

First, I want to thank all my very thoughtful Scouts for the great christmas gifts – I have pictures I’ll share soon. Next – No meeting this week – it will be crazy enough getting back into the school schedule of life after the holidays!! Part of the reason for this is that I am on the road heading to North Carolina.  My brother passed away unexpectedly, and I am the only relative left to take care of everything.  He was a retired Army Veteran (Vietnam and Korea) and wanted to stay close to Ft. Bragg and the city he was used to.  He has been battling lung cancer – it was not curable, but he was responding well to treatment and we were working…

Fire building CANCELLED

Morning Webelos, I was hoping to end our year with a fun night of fire building and s’mores but the lovely wet weather has a different idea. I am cancelling tonight because of how wet our yard is and it would make trying to build a fire very difficult. We will postpone this adventure to 2022!! Don’t forget:  Exercise and document for 30 days!! Many of you still need to do this Duty to God: Discuss your beliefs with your scout, attend a religious ceremony, pick something you can do that is reverent for 30 days I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas break. See you all in 2022. Merry Christmas. Kathy

Troop 359 Campout Cancelled

Good Evening AOL’s! Unfortunately, we are canceling this weekend’s campout. The forecast is calling for rain each day and a sharp drop in temperatures (Mid 30’s). We want to keep our scouts healthy going into the holiday season. In addition, we want to provide a great experience for the AOL and Webelos scouts that would be visiting and this would be just the opposite. See you all at the January 10th Pack Meeting! Jason

Weekend and Monday

Rain! What is this weather we are having?! The Saturday event has been cancelled due to weather. I know a few will have started their Christmas travels next week but if you are still around Monday at 6:30 we will meet at my house to learn how to build a fire. Then we will make s’mores. 1528 Cimmarron Trail, Tyler, TX 75703 If you can’t make Monday have a very Merry Christmas! Kathy

Den Meeting & Day Activity with the Troop

Howdy! Tonight we will meet to start Webelos Walkabout and discuss our Saturday event. Saturday, Dec 18 starting at 9:00 we will attend Troop 359 event. We will get to see how a Troop campout runs and the patrol method. This the start of our group transitioning to Boy Scouts. DWe need to know tonight how many from our den will attend. Locations 9895 Barbee Rd. See everyone tonight. Kathy

Christmas Boxes for First Responders

Hello Bear Family! Our traditional Christmas service event is to fill a big basket with treats, supplies, etc. and deliver the baskets to our first responders at the Whitehouse Fire station and Police Station.  I have two laundry baskets ready to stuff with bright holiday tissue and ALLLL the treats.  As you are shopping for your family over the weekend, keep in mind we are filling 2 baskets and think about snacks or other items that our first responders might be glad to have especially when they are working late and all stores are closed!! Items to consider – Lip Balm (Chapstick, Burt’s Bees), black ink pens ( officers I know at TJC say they are always running out of these), small spiral-bound note pads,…