Retired Communications

Communication specific for each den

Parade Information & Next Meeting Update

Wolf Den 4 – we will be leading the Whitehouse Christmas Parade with the Troop 359 Scouts!!!  Here’s what we received from the Chamber of Commerce: WHITEHOUSE CHRISTMAS IN THE PARK & PARADE – Saturday December 5th Park activities / Vendors will be kicking off our 2020 Christmas in the Park event Saturday December 5th at 3:00pm at the Whitehouse City Park. Following the Parade Santa will be in the park to count down for the Christmas Tree Lighting. The weather forcast for Saturday calls for a high of 62 and light wind – meaning it will be getting chilly as the sun sets – be prepared! Scouts should have several layers on UNDER their costume or scout uniforms so the uniforms show if possible and…


AOL FAMILY I had a good talk with the scout office yesterday.  I helped put the program together for camp and spoke with them about the COVID out break issues.  They are having a max of 50 to 60 scouts attend.   This will help with the issues of the dining hall during meals.  All the stations will be spread out,  so please sign up if you would like to attend. WEBLOS CAMP Boys:  Troop 359 has invited us to go on the camp out Dec 11-13.  It will be in Whitehouse and Mr. Beaton has a lot of fun stuff scheduled for the ARROWS.  The Troop Tuesdays at 6:30 at WUM Church.  We will need to attend the meeting to get meals put together if you…

No Meeting This Week

Hey Webelos!! We will not have a meeting this week. I am out of town and will not return until Wednesday Night. A couple of quick items – December Campout Postponed – Our Den Campout that was originally scheduled for this upcoming weekend has been postponed. I have personally talked to several of you as to why. But for those I haven’t been able to speak to directly – Campsite availability and the COVID uptick has played into this decision. We’ll try again in February or March. No Meeting This week – As mentioned above, I am out of town so we will not be meeting this week. Christmas Parade – We will not be participating in the Whitehouse Christmas Parade as a PACK this weekend….

Monday meeting

AOL Family   I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.   We will be meeting Monday night at 6:30.  We have some families that have a hard time meeting on weekends. Please be in Class A.

Sunday Den Meeting

Howdy! Anyone else counting down to Thanksgiving break? This Sunday we are meeting at 3:00 to wrap up our Bear Carnival. Please bring the game your scout will run during the November pack meeting. We will test and have fun. Can’t make it? I completely understand. Please reply to this email with what game your child will run at the November pack meeting. Homework: Duty to God (check your books on what to do) Paws in Action – Make a list of emergency numbers and discuss who to call and where the list will be kept, develop an emergency plan to follow in case of an emergency and practice